Half a Heart Without you

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{Final Chapter}

*Chapter 15*

Rumple looked at me and nodded with a cocky smile. I had to walk to the center, alone. I knew what had to do, and she closed her eyes putting her head down. I looked over at Crystal tilting her chin up. The second she opened her eyes I  kissed her hard on her mouth.

"I love you." I whispered placing my upper lip on her bottom lip, "Soon to be Crystal Pan."

She laughed with a tearing coming down her cheek,"I love you more, Peter Pan."

I then let go of her walking with a fast pace to get to the middle of The Plain. A million thoughts ran through my head but mostly the last time I said 'I love you.' I'm not gonna fail her.

Peter Pan never fails.

I then got out of my daze and met Rumple in the middle. We stood a good 12 feet away from each other. But we always faced each other. I realised yards stood between us and our armies. This is a life and death situation and one of us is gonna die.

Rumple and I started circling each other but only Rumple drew out his sword.

"Afraid, Dearie?"

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Of me?," He snickered, " I know your not afraid of me."

"Don't start playing games with me, Crocodile."

"Such a pity you can't grow up," Rumple threw his sword into his other hand, " I have a plan you see."

"I don't want to hear it."

"Oh, I think you do," Rumple licked his lips, "First I'm gonna kill your daughter,then your wife, and then your gonna die."

"You fucking prick. Your anywhere near my family."

"Correct I'm not. But they'll always be someone-"

Before I let Rumple finish I dropped my sword, pulled out my gun and shot him.

"You can fuck with me all you want dead man, but don't you dare do any shit to my family." And at that moment I looked back at Crystal mouthing the words 'Protect Darcia. Go. I love you' She then nodded and starting running into the woods.

I looked over at Felix and he saw Crystal running ,"Attack!" I  Felix yelled. Everyone then ran towards each other to meet in the middle and fight. Everyone from my side.

*Jaime's P.O.V*

Killian and I were told by Peter to protect Crystal. Killian and I then ran after Crystal . But Killian and I stayed back just far enough for her not to sense we were near. But that's not the thing that was on my mind the most. It was my pregnancy, I had to tell Killian.

"Killian." I stopped running. Hearing branches crack at my feet stopping.

"Jaime we have to keep moving. We don't really have time for tea and crumpets right now."

"Were not gonna lose her. We know where she's going."

Killian circled around uneasingly with his fingers brushing through his hair.

" I-I-I- I just don't understand why you would stop. Were in the middle of the war. What could possibly be more important Jaime."

"Killian! I'm pregnant!"

Killian looked over at me and fell down.

"What?!" He squealed in a high pitch voice.

I helped Killian back up and brush off the strands of grass that was stuck on the back of his hair.

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