Hazardous Lost Boys

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Chapter 4

Crystal? I'm her.. Nothing but confusing questions popped into my head, but the way I responded was looking at Felix and running back into the Forest. As I ran my feet scraped along the loose thorns and twigs on the ground. It hurts like hell. But, I don't care. I keep running. Until I finally fell onto  the ground on my side. I look forward. My vision bluring. On the ground I see the dirt and the leaves blocking my vision. I grab a handful of dirt and leaves on the ground. The ground feels wet and sticky.  My head is spinning.  Too much. My heart is pounding like a gorilla banging on its chest. Breathing in heavy breaths. Until I finally passed out.

I was dreaming.  I was in a town , that looks so old but it feels like home. I almost felt like I was hiding under my coat.

I turned into a alley which led straight into the woods. I knew where I was going. I was meeting Peter.

"Crystal!" Peter yelled with excitement.

"Peter!" I yelled back.

We ran into each others arms . Peter picked me up and spun me around. Then he pushed me against against a tree.  He was kissing me hard. I loved that feeling. His kisses were trailing down my neck until they reached my chest. Peter put his hands on my hips , He then stopped so that we could both catch our breath. "I've missed you so much Crystal." He kissed me again.

"I've missed you more, Peter."

Peter looked into my eyes.

" How's the-" I shot my eyes wide open. I saw Peter towering over me . Hugging me so tight.

"Oh Angel! I thought I'd never find you."I hugged Peter so tightly. I never wanted to let go of his embrace. "You'll always find me. " I said lightly. "Yeah yeah I know. You've been gone all night. I almost died, I was so worried. I was searching for you all night. Thank God I found you, Angel."


"I'm here. What do you want?"

"I-I uhm ," I stopped myself, "What time is it?"

"Morning. " Peter laughed.

"Thank God."

Peter then  carried me in his arms like a baby. "Your feet, Angel."

I looked down at my feet.


"Oh yeah, There kinda messed up. Oops."

Peter looked at me with so much, joy.

"Doesn't surprise me knowing  you darling." It was about 11 o'clock until we came back to the tree house.

Peter laid me down in his hammock.

Peter went into the wash room and got a wet cloth. He knelt down beside my feet and gently started dabbing the open wounds on my feet . "Ahh!" I yelled. " Its okay. I'm almost done."

Peter finished 30 seconds later. He then wrapped two other wet: cloths around my feet.  He then shifted his kneeling towards my head. His face was so close to mine. He kissed my forehead then said, "Wash yourself,  And I'll put a new dress on the hammock when your done. I'll see you later. "Three minutes later Peter left and I then walked into the wash room.  There was two  buckets. One with warm water inside of it with rags inside of it as well.  There was this bigger bucket that I was suppose to stand in to and bathe in.  There was also a mirror.  I examined myself in the mirror.  I look so tired and beat up. But I still looked decent. I undressed myself . When I was about to go to the bucket of warm water. I caught myself in the mirror. I saw my body. How it actually is. My boobs and my other regions seemed fine. But something felt different. My stomach. It seems like it has gotten bigger from the past 4 weeks I've been here. How strange .

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