𝖎.𝖎𝖎𝖎 𝖋𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖘

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HAVEN WAS INSIDE A ROOM tucked away in the justice building, picking away at pieces of the worn leather chair she was sitting on

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HAVEN WAS INSIDE A ROOM tucked away in the justice building, picking away at pieces of the worn leather chair she was sitting on. The heavy wooden door swung open, snapping her out of her daze. Standing there were her parents, and she immediately ran over and collapsed into their arms, choking out a sob. Shane pulled away and set his hands on his daughter's shoulders.

"Listen to me Hav. You can do this. You're the bravest girl I know. And you're good with a spear, I'd know because I'm the one who taught you to fish with it." Shane said.
"I can spear fish dad, not people. I can't handle this." Haven barely got the words out as she started hyperventilating again.
Cecile stroked her hair and gently stated, "I know you Haven. You can do anything you set your mind to, you always have. You're smart, kind, thoughtful and loyal. I believe in you, we all do."

Right as she finished her sentence, a peacekeeper barged in, indicating their time was over. Haven watched as her parents left, silently accepting the fact that she would probably never see them again.

The room was silent for another few minutes before the peacekeeper opened the door again, this time with Sawyer and Ashlyn entering from the hallway. Ashlyn wrapped her arms around her younger siblings, all three of them staying quiet for a minute.

The eldest Cleary was the first to break the silence. "Haven, why didn't you let me volunteer for you." Ashlyn said, the disappoint clear in her tone.
"Ash, I didn't have a choice in being reaped. But in that moment I had one, and I choose to protect you. I couldn't live with myself if I knew I was the reason you were in the games." Haven stammered.
"And I don't know if I can live with myself if you die, and I know that I could've done something to prevent that." Ashlyn replied, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Hav, please promise me you'll try and make it back to us. I don't know what life is like without you, and I don't want to find out." Sawyer interrupted with a pained expression.

Haven sighed looking her twin in the eye. The two of them were inseparable; Haven didn't exist without Sawyer and Sawyer didn't exist without Haven. Her heart shattered into a million pieces at the thought of abandoning her best friend.
"I promise I'll do whatever it takes to get back to you guys. I love you." Haven said, her voice about to break again.

The peacekeeper slammed open the door once more, and Haven quickly hugged her siblings before they were escorted out, and she was left alone. That's how she would be doing the rest of this: alone. The girl knew one thing for certain, if she wanted to make it back to her family, she could only depend on herself in that arena.

// author's note
this was such a sad chapter to write 🥺 so senti. i love how close she is with her family it's so sweet.
sorry this chapter was a little short, i wanted to make the goodbyes separate.
get ready, everyone's favorite fish boy is making his debut in the next chapter!
q- who's your fav cleary (besides our girl haven)
a- ashlyn, i love writing her
thank you so much if you're reading this story still <3 please leave a comment or something if you're reading it makes me so happy :)
- a

get ready, everyone's favorite fish boy is making his debut in the next chapter! q- who's your fav cleary (besides our girl haven)a- ashlyn, i love writing herthank you so much if you're reading this story still <3 please leave a comment or someth...

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