𝖎𝖎.𝖛 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘

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"HAVEN? HAVEN?" MALLORY SPOKE SOFTLY, hovering over the blonde, who laid unconscious on the couch

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"HAVEN? HAVEN?" MALLORY SPOKE SOFTLY, hovering over the blonde, who laid unconscious on the couch. The Cleary girl blinked her eyes open, very disoriented. "Where am I? What-" Haven quickly sat up, the memory of the reaping returning to her. The blonde marched out of the room, into the dining cart of the train where everyone else was.

Haven walked up to her brother, giving him a swift slap on the cheek. "IDIOT! What the hell were you thinking." She screamed at him. The rest of the Victors, Pandora and Melody sat silently as the girl exuded her rage.

"Are you fucking serious? I cannot-" The blonde was cut off by Collin putting his hand over her mouth. "Hey! Hey! Enough! Back off princess." He said, pulling a chair out for her next to him, removing his hand from her mouth. "Fine." Haven grumbled. "Why don't you let him explain?" Collin continued.

"Yes , please tell me what kind of fucked up rationale you had for this one, Sawyer." The Cleary girl spoke, turning towards her twin.

"Yeah, I know it was dumb, okay? I just would've hated myself if I'd let him go into the Games, knowing I could've stopped it." Sawyer responded. Haven dropped her head, shaking it slowly. "Damn it, Sawyer. Why did you have to be the one to do it. I'm sure there were so many other people who would've volunteered." She replied quietly. "Or no one would've Haven! I couldn't just sit by and let it happen. And, not like I can change it now." He responded.

Haven stood up abruptly, storming out of the room, saying nothing else. She walked into one of the bedroom carts, slamming the button to shut the door behind her, before crumpling down to the floor. Tears uncontrollably flowed from her eyes, and she couldn't quite pinpoint whether it was sadness, anger, fear, or a mixture of emotions.

The blonde wasn't sure how long she'd been sitting there when she heard the door open and click shut again, someone walking over and taking a seat next to her. Haven already knew who it was before she glanced up, her teary eyes looking into Finnick's sea green ones.

"You wanna talk about it?" The Odair boy asked softly. Haven shook her head. Finnick wrapped his arms around her, letting the girl cry into his shoulder. He kept one arm wrapped around her, the other fiddling with and gently stroking her hair.

A point came when the Cleary girl had no more tears to cry, leaving her feeling numb. The girl lifted her head from his shoulder before finally speaking. "I hate this. I hate this." She sighed deeply. "I know why he did it. 'Cause Sawyer is the most selfless, wonderful person I know." Finnick nodded his head, grasping one of her hands.

"I feel helpless. There's a 23/24 chance that my brother, my best friend, is going to be dead in two weeks, and I can't do anything to stop it." She spoke, her voice hollow. "I know it feels like everything's out of your control. We can't guarantee it, but I promise you we'll do everything we can to help him before and in the arena." He responded, before wrapping his pinky around hers. "Pinky promise." Finnick said.

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