𝖎.𝖝𝖎𝖎 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖟𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗

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THE SUN ROSE OVER THE ARENA the next morning, the reflection of the light glimmering on the pure white snow

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THE SUN ROSE OVER THE ARENA the next morning, the reflection of the light glimmering on the pure white snow.

Roxy had been keeping watch for the past few hours, and she had decidedly had enough of her own company. The ginger put her face right in front of her blonde ally's, before quite loudly calling, "Good morning sunshine!"

The blonde snapped awake, letting out a small scream when she opened her eyes and saw Roxy staring right back at her. "Damn Roxy. Way to scare a girl first thing in the morning." Haven mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I thought it would be funny." The redhead giggled, before putting a finger to her lips and turning to do the same thing to Reeve.

Unlike Haven, Reeve's reflexes were more physical, and he slapped Roxy in the face. "What the hell was that for Reeve?" She said, playfully punching him in the arm. "I should be asking you the same thing. Just about gave me a heart attack."

"You two are boring. Boooooorrrriiiinnggggg." Roxy exaggerated, shaking her head at her very groggy allies.

Haven sat up. "We need to go and find some food. The stuff in our packs will probably only last us another day, if that." The pair from 5 agreed, and the three packed up what little belongings they had before leaving the cave.

The trio walked through the arena for hours, the endless white landscape rendering them unable to tell what direction they were going in. "This is pointless. All the plants are dead, and I haven't seen a single animal yet." Roxy groaned. "Probably because nothing can live in this frozen over version of hell." Haven muttered, rubbing her numb, cold hands together. "Damn 4. You really can't handle your snow." Reeve joked.

"Wait. Shhhh." Haven whispered, pointing af two brown figures a few yards in front of them. Roxy quietly loaded her bow, angling the arrow at the first squirrel, shooting it dead in the eye, before quickly doing the same to the second.

Famished from endlessly walking through the tundra-like landscape, the tributes didn't even mind the fact that they had to eat the squirrels raw, since it was pretty much impossible to start a fire in the snowy arena.

Haven's head whipped to the side when she heard a branch snap nearby, noticing two other tributes now standing about 30 feet away. The blonde jumped to her feet, one hand wrapped around her spear, the other grabbing a knife from her belt. Reeve and Roxy scrambled up, readying their weapons just as the pair in the distance began running towards them.

Roxy made the first move, shooting an arrow at the boy's leg, slowing him down. He threw a knife towards her head, but she ducked and it ended up stabbing the tree behind her. The duo, who Haven now recognized as Indigo and Quentin from District 10, had finally caught up to them. Roxy grabbed her knife out of her belt, tackling Quentin to the ground. He flipped her over onto her back, a blade inches away from her neck.

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