𝖎𝖎.𝖎𝖛 𝖘𝖕𝖑𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉

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"I THINK I MIGHT SPEND MORE TIME on this beach than I do in my own house

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"I THINK I MIGHT SPEND MORE TIME on this beach than I do in my own house." Haven commented as she sunk down into the sand. "I don't see a problem with that." Finnick replied as he walked over to her. "Enjoy it too, the closest things you'll be seeing to the ocean during the next few weeks in the Capitol are the giant bathtubs." He continued.

Haven let out a large groan. "Why do we have to go back every damn year? Can't Snow just fuck off already?" The blonde remarked bitterly. "Yeah, another thing that stays here in 4. Your choice words about Snow." Finnick laughed. "God I hate that fucker." Haven grumbled. "You and me both." The boy replied, their laughter mixing.

Finnick reached into the bag he brought with him. "How about we just forget all about the fact that we have to go back to the hellhole tomorrow?" He said raising his eyebrows, pulling out a large glass bottle filled with clear liquid. Haven grabbed the bottle and unscrewed the cap before taking a large drink from it, the alcohol only slightly burning in the back of her throat. "Damn Cleary." Finnick chuckled, grabbing the bottle and taking a large gulp.

The pair kept passing the bottle back and forth, conversing about practically every topic that didn't have to do with the Games. The almost empty bottle laid between the two sitting in the sand. Haven sprung up to her feet as she polished off the last bit of the bottle, before sprinting into the ocean. "Cleary, the hell are you doing?" Finnick yelled at the blonde. "What does it look like? I'm swimming, duh." The blonde girl giggled, before dipping into the waves, emerging a few seconds later.

"You're being so laaaaammmeeee. Come over here." Haven teased, splashing the water. The Odair boy sighed, giving in as he entered the water, swimming out into the waves. He eventually caught up to her, both of them treading water in place. "I don't know why anyone would want to live anywhere but District 4. It's the best place" Haven said. "I've been to some of the nicest places in the Capitol, and nothing comes close to this." Finnick replied, dipping his hair back into the water.

Finnick and Haven stayed in the water for a while longer, not even speaking, simply soaking up the last few moments of peace they would have for the next few weeks. Eventually, the two made their way back to the beach. Finnick picked up the empty bottle, tossing it into the trash as they left. They took the dimly lit path back to the Victor's Village, their wet clothes leaving behind a trail of water. Haven and Finnick parted at the bottom of their driveways.

"See you tomorrow." The girl called. "Don't remind me." The boy teased back, waving her goodnight as they both walked into their homes.

"COME DOWNSTAIRS, I MADE BREAKFAST." Cecile called, the smell of waffles wafting through the house. Haven rolled out of bed, sliding her feet into her slippers before trudging down the stairs. "Good morning, Miss Sunshine." Shane teased as she walked into the kitchen, the rest of her family already fully dressed for the Reaping.

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