𝖎.𝖛𝖎𝖎 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖊𝖘

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HAVEN WOKE UP on her own accord the following morning, her eyes fluttering open at the early hour of six

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HAVEN WOKE UP on her own accord the following morning, her eyes fluttering open at the early hour of six. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and splashed some cold water on her face before returning to the bedroom. The blonde noticed a neatly folded stack of clothing sitting on the edge of the bed, assuming it was her training outfit. She slipped on the tight black pants that were made of a shiny, sweat wicking material, and the teal tank top with a number "4" on the back, signifying her District. She grabbed a brush off the dresser and combed her hair, tying it into a ponytail with an elastic, before slipping on the socks and tennis shoes that were provided for her.

Haven walked into the living area, the only other person in there was Garrett, who was holding a newspaper in one hand and a coffee cup in the other. "Good morning sunshine. Glad to see there's someone else who wakes up at the crack of dawn."

"I used to get up early every morning to work at my family's shop, I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of sleeping past 7:00am." She said, before pointing at Garrett's coffee cup. "Where can I get one of those?" Before he could respond, an Avox placed a mug on the table in front of her and poured a steaming cup of coffee. The blonde plopped a few sugarcubes into the warm drink, before taking a long drink of it. "We usually can't afford to buy coffee, but it's always been one of my favorites." Haven continued before taking another sip. Garrett smiled back at her. "Enjoy it kid."

A few minutes of silence passed before Garrett restarted the conversation. "You said on the train you didn't have any skills, did you just not want to say anything in front of Spencer? Because that's understandable, it's a good strategy." "Partly. I just didn't wanna make myself seem more talented than I am. I have used a spear before though, my dad taught me to fish with one. I just don't know if I can use a spear on a..." She paused. "A person."

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You're never gonna feel ready. It's a sick and twisted thing having to kill another person. But if you want to make it out of that arena alive, it's bound to happen. And you won't know if you'll be able to own up to it until you're in the moment. In that moment, you have to choose to fight."
"Go into training and get those survival and combat skills under your belt, so when you're in that situation in the games, everything is second nature to you. Got it?"

She nodded, grateful for the advice. "Thank you, Garrett. It's just all so much."
"I know kid, don't forget I was in your place once too." He said, patting the blonde on the back before going into his room.

Around 8:00am, Pandora went around and pounded on the doors of those left sleeping. Haven silently thanked her internal clock for saving her from that abrupt awakening. A few minutes later, the others began trickling into the dining room, where the Avoxes were putting out food for breakfast. Once they'd all sat down and begun eating, Chlöe cleared her throat and looked over at the two tributes. "Alright, remember the plan for today. Work on your weaknesses and improve them. Don't display off all your strengths, keep an element of surprise. Show off a little bit though, you do want to intimidate some of the other tributes. And of course, keep an eye out for potential allies." Haven and Spencer nodded their heads, both of their mouths full of food.

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