𝖎.𝖝𝖛𝖎 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌

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"SHE'S BEEN UNCONCIOUS FOR FIVE DAYS NOW." Mallory commented, standing outside the hospital room with the other mentors and Haven's doctor.

"Yes. Ms. Cleary lost a lot of blood and has some fairly severe internal injuries from her stab wound. It took a toll on her body, which is why she isn't awake." Doctor Asher explained.

Garrett interjected, a note of bitterness in his voice. "Isn't there something else you can do? She's the Victor for goodness sakes."

"We're trying our best Mr. Adams. If there's any changes we'll let you know." The District 4 mentors all nodded, before returning to sit in the waiting room.

The mentors were all relieved when Haven was announced as the winner; happy that one of their tributes had survived. That feeling of relief had since been wiped away, replaced by a sense of worry and anxiety.

"She'll wake up. She has to." Finnick said, his head in his hands. "Don't worry, the princess won't give up without a fight." Collin said, although his voice was wavering.

The doctors came out and told them they'd call if something happened, but the group refused to leave. Hours crept by, and eventually all of them fell asleep on the stiff chairs since they were so exhausted.

Doctor Asher entered the waiting room a few hours later, finding only Finnick awake, fiddling with a piece of rope in his hands.

"She's awake."

He sprung up, practically sprinting into the room as the doctor woke his fellow mentors.

"Hey." He said, walking to stand next to her hospital bed. "Where am I?" She asked, her voice raspy from the tubes. "The hospital. Your injuries were pretty bad, we didn't know if you were gonna wake up." Finnick replied, grabbing one of her hands.

The girl breathed out a sigh of relief. "It's over?"

"It's over. You're safe. You did it." The boy kindly replied, bending down to embrace her, tears threatening to fall from the girl's eyes.

The other mentors entered the room a few seconds later, and Mallory rushed over, wrapping the blonde in a hug. "Thank god. You're okay." The blonde pulled away, smiling. "I am. Thank you Mal."

"Sleeping beauty's awake! How's our favorite princess?" Collin said, sitting on the foot of the bed. "I'm alright. Just a little tired." She replied.

"Good. It's been almost a week since the Games ended, so they'll probably want to have you for an interview with Caesar tomorrow. I'm sorry it's so soon, I'm sure you can guess how impatient the Capitol people can be." Chlöe explained, Haven nodding.

Sebastian sat on the chair next to her bed, patting her on the arm. "You did it kid. Get some rest for tomorrow."

Theta secured the last pin in Haven's hair, before spinning the girl's chair around to face the mirror. Her blonde hair was loosely curled, with half of it pinned up into an bun. She wore a long pastel yellow dress, with a pair of gold sandals that peeked out from underneath.

Haven examined herself in the mirror. She thought she was slim before the Games, but this was a whole other level. The arena had left her so thin, she was practically skin and bones. The blonde barely recognized the shell of herself that was staring back at her. It wasn't just her figure that had changed. Her eyes looked dull, lifeless, like she'd lost hope; she supposed that is what happens after you're forced to murder innocent people and watch your friends die right in front of you.

Theta led her down to the room behind the stage, where Haven just a week before was standing with her 23 fellow tributes, 23 people who were now all dead, some of them because of her. The realization hit her like a freight train, and she mustered every bit of courage not to break down on the spot. 

She heard Caesar's voice from the stage above her. "Good evening everyone! This year, we had one of the most exciting Hunger Games yet, and tonight we have the special treat of speaking with our new Victor for the very first time. Aren't you excited?" He called in his signature voice.

"Let's bring out Ms. Cleary's fabulous group of mentors, shall we? My, they're just so wonderful!" The mentors filed onto the stage, taking their seats in the back as the audience applauded. "And of course, let's not forget her ever so talented stylist." Theta shot the girl a comforting smile before ascending the stairs to the stage.

"And now, the moment we're all waiting for. May I present the Victor of the 67th annual Hunger Games: from District 4, Haven Cleary!" The blonde walked up the stairs, before taking a seat across from Caesar, the crowd cheering and clapping.

"Ms. Cleary, it is an honor to have you with us tonight. How are you doing?" He asked, leaning forward to hand her the microphone.

"I'm alright, still adjusting to the fact that I'm not in the arena." She responded.

"Well Haven, you certainly blew us all away in the arena. You lived up to that 11 you received in training with those combat skills. Wasn't she amazing folks?" He called, the audience erupting once more.

"But what really struck me was your relationship with your allies, Roxy and Reeve. Tell me, what was that like." Caesar questioned.

"Well, when you're in the arena, you don't know what or who you can trust. It's pretty much guaranteed that something or someone is trying to kill you. But Roxy and Reeve were the exception, they were some of the most trustworthy people I've ever met. They were kind, and fought their hardest until the end." She said, beginning to choke up.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to make you cry!" Caesar fussed, offering her a handkerchief. "They must have been quite special." He said. "They were probably some of the closest friends I've ever had, Roxy especially."

"You are certainly special too Ms. Cleary. So kind and caring, we're lucky to have a Victor as wonderful as you this year." Caesar replied, motioning her to stand up.

President Snow walked out of the wings, an avox alongside him carrying a plush velvet pillow with a golden crown sitting on top.

The white haired man now stood right in front of Haven, the girl able to smell his reeking perfume. He lifted the crown, placing it on top of Haven's head.

"Congratulations on your victory Ms. Cleary." He said, sending a shiver down Haven's spine. "Thank you President Snow, it's an honor." She replied, keeping her composure, despite the disgust she felt.

"It certainly is." He said, before walking back into the wings.

// author's note
me🤝being incapable of being nice
just a little curveball for y'all, don't worry our girl is fine :) hope you liked the little reunion, made me go 🥺🥺. also feeding you collin simps content, ur welcome.
thank you sm for reading! please leave some comments i LIVE for them & vote if you feel like it!
- a <3

 thank you sm for reading! please leave some comments i LIVE for them & vote if you feel like it!- a <3

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