𝖎.𝖝𝖛 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖊𝖓𝖉

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THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE ARENA had shifted overnight; the four remaining tributes all felt it

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THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE ARENA had shifted overnight; the four remaining tributes all felt it. The sense of urgency.

Each of the four had the same exact feeling in their gut: The games were going to end today. None of them could pinpoint exactly what it was, but they all realized it.

Haven and Roxy were quietly walking through the arena, stalling the inevitable. They were extremely on edge, anticipating a horrific sight at each turn.

"I know we're both thinking it." Haven said, breaking the silence. "It's going to end soon."
Roxy nodded. "It's just a waiting game now." She sighed.

Neither of the girls had the will to say it, although it was the foremost thought in both of their minds.

What happens if we're the last two?

Both Haven and Roxy couldn't even fathom the thought of killing the other. The pair had formed such a close bond, that murdering the other would also murder a part of herself.

Haven's eyes watered at the thought. She knew she wouldn't be able to hurt her friend, even if it was the only way for her to make it home. She pushed the thought out of her mind temporarily, only wanting to think about it if it came down to it.

The duo continued winding their way through the endless trees in the snowy forest when they heard a low growl in the distance. The girls fearfully glanced at each other, knowing that whatever made the noise was designed to kill them.

Roxy and Haven turned around, finding themselves looking straight at a giant polar bear. The girls instantly took off running, leaving their backpacks behind, with only their weapons in hand as the bear chased after them.

Haven glanced back every few seconds, and each time there were more of the terrifying creatures. These weren't the ordinary polar bears the blonde had learned about in school. These animals were close to 20 feet tall, and barred their sharp fangs when they snarled. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they ran, their lungs fighting for oxygen.

"Damn! How are there so many?" Roxy screeched as they ran.

The fatigue was catching up to them, but they couldn't stop with the humongous animals enclosing in on them. Haven saw the Cornucopia coming into view, pointing it out to Roxy. The girls pace had slowed due to their exhaustion, and the mutts were practically on their heels.

"COME ON." Haven screamed, grabbing Roxy's hand and pulling her to run faster. Haven reached the side of the Cornucopia and quickly hoisted herself onto the ice-covered metal structure before offering Roxy a hand.

They both let out a sigh, momentarily safe from the mutts below. "Careful, it's slippery." Haven warned her ally. "Don't worry I'm really good at ice skating." Roxy giggled causing a momentary smile to spread across Haven's face.

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