★ 16 : it would be so easy ★

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Virgil was far from short, standing at 6'1". He only looked shorter because Roman was really fucking tall at 6'4".

"Hey, guys. Remember that girl I helped when she said she was struggling financially? I thought it might be nice to do it again, but a bit differently. Comment on this post if you're a struggling college kid along with your Venmo. I'm randomly choosing five students to pay off their entire college tuition. To anyone who might worry, I'm not afraid of getting scammed because my team is really careful, and I can easily take the money back from anyone who tries that. I genuinely want to help, so, yeah. I'll announce who I'm choosing soon," Virgil said.

And post.

Roman put his chin on Virgil's shoulder, as he sat comfortably behind him on the floor. When it was posted, Roman's phone lit up and Virgil caught sight of the notification. "You've got my post notifications on?"

Roman grinned. "I always have."

"Ha, nice."

Virgil was wearing a t-shirt. It was nearly June, after all. Roman could see all of Virgil's tattoos clearly on the star's pale skin. He stared at them for a while until Virgil noticed. "Do you like them?"

Roman nodded. "I love when guys have tattoos."

Then he realized how that came off. "Uh, I mean- like, I do, but I'm not into you."

Virgil laughed, "Alright. Good." It took all his willpower to hide how flustered he was.

Roman changed the topic. "How's the album?"

"Pretty good. It's only like, a week until the drop and then some time before my second national tour. The tour is the thing I'm scared about the most, I guess. I always get nervous. Patton's my only friend who gets to come on tours with me since he technically works for me, but he doesn't come. Busy with college and stuff, which I totally get. The tour bus gets sorta lonely other than openers, though."

He noticed how attentively Roman was listening. "You're actually interested in the shit I'm saying?"

"Why would I ask if I wasn't interested?" Roman asked. "Plus, listening is a sign of respect."

"I feel like such an asshole, though. I'm complaining when I'm living so many people's dreams? I hate that. That's why I'm paying for people's colleges. Knowing I'm not using all that money for myself makes me feel a little better."

"That's why I like you so much. Like, you recognize your privilege and use it to help other people. It's really- It's really cool of you. You do a lot more than a bunch of other famous people."

Virgil brought his legs up and leaned back so he was pressed up against Roman's chest. "Thanks. But, whatever. I'm sick of talking about myself. You visiting your parents sometime?"

Unknowingly, Roman put a gentle arm around Virgil's waist. "Yeah. My parents texted me recently. They said they miss me, and I'm going to go down to visit them over summer break."

"They live nearby?"

"Somewhat? I don't need to take a plane, but it's not super close."

"Ohh. Do you have like, siblings?"

Roman tensed. "Uh, sorta."


"I did. I had a twin brother, but he died when we were kids," Roman explained. He had to know someone for an excessive amount of time in order to trust them with that sort of information, but he trusted Virgil somehow. Maybe because Virgil understood what it was like to have an interesting family situation.

"Oh, shit. Sorry for bringing it up, then."

"No, it's okay. You didn't know. I'm open about almost everything, but everyone has their secrets. Just don't tell anyone, because I don't want my name attached to 'that guy with a dead family'."

"I won't. And... dead family? Is it not just your twin?"


"That was a horrible question to ask. Holy shit."

"No, no, it's fine." Roman turned red. "Ugh. I overshared. I rarely tell people this, but I'm an orphan." His pacing of his words increased dramatically. "In short, my mom and brother died when I was in elementary, my dad died when I was in middle school. I have adoptive parents."

Virgil visibly paled. "Oh, God. That sucks. Who would've known someone like you has that sort of past?" He turned around to look at Roman, but jumped a little when they were surprisingly closer together than either of them realized.

"What do you mean by that?" Roman asked quietly.

"I mean you're really confident. And happy. At least you come off that way a lot, because I know I don't know everything about you."

"I am happy and confident," the actor said with a small smile, "just not all the time. Logan's been my friend the longest. He's seen the worst of the worst. I wish I could be perfect, but it's unattainable."

"I don't want to be friends with someone who's perfect," Virgil breathed out. "I'm glad you have something 'wrong' with you, even if it's not your fault."

"Yeah, well," Roman chuckled awkwardly, "I have more than just my family, but I don't feel like talking about it now."

"Yeah, that's chill."

Roman's arm was still around Virgil's waist even when Virgil was facing him. Virgil shifted onto his knees and looked down.

Both of them thought, It would be so easy to kiss him right now.

They were so close. It really would be one simple move forward to reach.

Virgil rested his hands on the sides of Roman's neck, Roman drawing him in closer by the waist slowly. So much so that Virgil almost didn't notice until their noses were nearly touching.

Virgil's ragged breaths were soft against Roman's lips. Roman gulped.


"I can't believe you'd do this to me! Fuck you!"


"Why am I not surprised? Get out. I don't need your shitty explanations."


"Whatever. I shouldn't have even- Just leave. I don't give a shit anymore."


Virgil was the first to pull away, blinking away the needy look in his eyes. Roman cleared his throat loudly and moved back as well.

The singer bit fiddled anxiously with his rings. The actor just looked like he'd seen a ghost.

Virgil shut his eyes. Why should he trust a guy he knew for less than a full month anyway?

Roman didn't look like the kind of guy who would break his heart, but that was how all of Virgil's past partners looked at first. They broke his trust every time.

They confessed to him only to break him later.

"Virgil?" Roman forced out, voice on the croaky side.

Virgil shook his head in shame. "I won't- I can't..."

"It's- It's okay, really."

"I guess I'll see you soon?" He checked his phone and saw his reminder was to go off soon.



Patton, Janus, and Logan let out the biggest collective sigh known to man when Virgil went to Patton and Roman went to his own friends.

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