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^The baby I'm talking about!

The chapter name has nothing to do with the story!

Words:More than 2600

Where Jungkook is married to a fairy Taehyung and has a small happy family with them.

Part two next

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Taehyung loved the sunlight hitting his tan skin.He had gotten up earlier than he should but it was simply out of habit.He sighed softly the slightly cold air making him shiver a little,the heavy arm wrapped around his waist,the face of his lover buried in his tummy.

"Don't move Taehyung"

"I have to"

Jungkook groaned as his arms were gently kept aside,his lover getting up.He cracked open his eyes only for his eyes to widen.There stood Taehyung in his all glory.

Taehyung stretched feeling Jungkook's huge shirt slip off his shoulders and the sun giving it a heavenly glow,well he was heavenly.He ruffled his bright purple hair and arched his back feeling his tiny wings spurt from his back.He loved his wings.There were so tiny and cute,bright and glowing a healthy gold and silvery colour.He had purple bright eyes too which had the whole milkyway in it.Jungkook loved them too.

Fluttering his wings a little,he flew towards the bathroom yawning adorably.Jungkook watching the whole scene smiling adorably.He loved his fairy.His fairy.The power it holds.

Taehyung came out flying,his face glowing.Flying to Jungkook who was staring at him,he leaned down and pecked his lips smiling while pulling him up through much struggle.

Taehyung fluttered out but not without running a hand through Jungkook's hair.

Taehyung entered the nursery,seeing his baby standing in the crib meanwhile waving and clapping his hands excitedly.When he saw his mother fluttering in,the intensity increased as well as he started gurgling some gibberish words.

"My baby peaches!"

Taehyung leaned down and picked the baby up whilst sitting on the floor.He smothered the baby with kisses and raspberries.

"I would like to wake up like that too!It's not fair!"

Jeonghan clapped his hands at Jungkook while giggling as though mocking him for getting something his daddy doesn't get.

"Even he is mocking me!bah!"

Jungkook came and sat beside Taehyung pecking him on the cheek only to get swatted on the cheek by a giggling Jeonghan.

"The disrespect!"

Jungkook took the baby in his arms who was just like him.His features matched Jungkook's but there were many things he got from Taehyung like the wings and the pretty colorful nails which Taehyung had too naturally.He had a pretty gold color whereas his baby had a silver and gold mixed.The baby also had a small flower on his ankle just like Taehyung.

Jungkook took the cute baby blowing raspberries on his stomach meanwhile muttering'don't disrespect daddy' on and on.The action making Taehyung giggle.

Suddenly the baby whimpered and made grabby hands towards Taehyung who smiled knowingly.

"Ish my baby hwungry?"

Taehyung spoke out cutely while opening his shirt,Jungkook helping him.

Jeonghan was quick to latch himself sighing contended.Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was caressing his waist slowly.

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