Tired Pt.2

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Comment the mistakes!

Where Jungkook makes all of his mistakes right


Jungkook's eyes watered as he stared.



Jungkook started sobbing hysterically.Wrong move to be watching 'The Fault In Our Stars' after that thing which happened(The movie is so sad yet such beautiful,I cried rivers).Call him crazy,which he was because he should have ran and said sorry but no he decided on watching a movie.

He gripped his hair pulling it out remembering the 'divorce',he didn't mean that to happen.His egos had crumbled the second he had heard the word leave from Yoongi's mouth.

He remembered the horrible things he had made Taehyung do and Taehyung was pregnant for pete's sake.He was the biggest asshole anyone could ever get.

Now,he lost his child too with his wife.

"I m sorry"


"Why are you sorry?"

"I took Peaches away from her/his father!I m a horrible mother aren't I?"

"That asshole isn't a father,bub"

Taehyung was still sobbing looking out of the window.

"He destroyed him"

"I will destroy him too"

Reaching the homes,it was quite hard to take Taehyung inside considering his mental health,he kept cowering away protecting his bump.

"Bub,It's me you'r brother,Yoongi?"

Taehyung was maybe in his safe headspace.

"TaeTae's brother Yoonie?"

"Yes,TaeTae's b-brother Yoonie,Does TaeTae trust h-him?"

Yoongi tried not to let the sob in his throat go out.The shit really destroyed his brother.

"And I m J-Jiminie Yoonie's fiance"

"Yoonie's F-Fiance?C-Can taetae t-trust you?"

"Yes,Of Course!"

Taehyung boxy smiled,he had somewhat stopped crying just small adorable hiccups in between.He let the two boys into the house.

Yoongi's phone rang and he looked at the caller ID and scoffed.Jimin looked over after making Taehyung comfortable on the couch with a glass of water who was still talking with his bump.

"Is it him?"

Jimin whispered out not wanting to trigger anything.


Yoongi went out and accepted the call.

"I-I m-"

"You destroyed him"


"I m gonna make him over you,make him forget he had you as his husband"

He hung up.


Jungkook let out a horrible sob and buried his face in his hands crying.He called the only person he could think of in his contact.


"Kook!What's wrong?"

"M-Mom....I fucked up bad"

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