Violence Becomes Stronger Than Innocence :: 10

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I said I would update soon, I think I update maybe once or twice a day. That's because I love writing this story :)

There he is. Standing right in front of me. Luke fucking-asshole hemmings. Before he could even speak, I swung my hand in the direction of his right cheek. I slapped him. He stumbled back a little holding his cheek. It wasn't over yet. I stomped towards him and shouted in his face "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING BEATING UP MICHAEL LIKE?! HE DIDN'T DO SHIT ALL TO YOU! HAVEN'T YOU HURT ENOUGH PEOPLE ALREADY?! YOU ALREADY PUT ME THROUGH ENOUGH, AND IM DONE! BUT, I WON'T LET YOU TAKE IT OUT ON MICHAEL!" I screamed the last part and I'm pretty sure all the neighbors heard that. Fuck them.

What am I doing? I began to realize I was sinking down to his level. I was becoming like Luke. No. I can't let that happen. I don't want to hurt people (none of this is true, remember this is all made up and Luke is a goddamn Saint, if that's the right word for good person, dunno) I lift Luke up and guide him inside my house, he sits down on the couch while I get a cold cloth to stop the stinging (I don't even know, so don't ask haha) I hold it up to his hurt cheek and he mumbles a 'thanks' before hissing a little at the cold feeling "luke?" He looks up at me and nods "look, I'm sorry I hit you, even though you are a dick, I shouldn't have done it... I'm sorry" he just shakes his head and replies "no, I did deserve it, after everything I did to you and Michael, I deserve it and everything you said to me was right, I am a dick to everyone" I could tell he was holding back his sobs by the way his voice cracked.

"Look at me" he lifts his head to look at me "how about we all just start over? One sec, I'm going to go get Michael" I shout for Michael to come down the stairs. He soon walks into the front room and as soon as he sees Luke sat there, he visibly stiffened and his breathing started to quicken. I grab his hand and told him to calm down and breathe in and out. He soon calmed down and nodded, signaling he was ok, I led him to the couch and I sat in between them both "ok, me and Michael both agree that you're a dickhead" he sighed but nodded his head anyways "but, I think we should just wipe the slate clean and try being friends with him" I say looking at Michael, but he just looks at me as if I'm crazy "I know its a crazy idea, but what's the harm in giving it a try, right?" Michael sighs and nods "and you" I say turning to Luke "we're giving you ONE chance" I say carrying out the word ONE showing him he only gets one chance

"And if you mess it up or hurt one of us in anyway, this will be over and you won't get another chance, I promise you that now" I say sternly at him he looks a little scared but nods and says "okay"

"Ok, so Luke, this starts tomorrow, are you ok to get home?" He looks at me and says yeah. I walk him to the front door and he walks out, but before I could shut the door, he whispers closely in my ear "meet me in the woods behind your house, tonight at 9:30" I could see the smirk on his face. I couldn't even protest cos he was already gone. Luckily, michael didn't see that. Shit, I need to figure things out properly, I need to figure out who I like.

Luke or michael. I then thought about it for a moment...... I know who I want to be with.

Hope all of you had a good christmas and have a happy new year, I know you think I might not mean it cos I don't like either, but I do mean it :) My new years resolution is to get ☀/4 on twitter. So. Much. Fucking. Effort. But, hopefully It'll happen soon :)


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