Epilogue :: 20

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Sooooo this is the last chapter, but I will be starting a new book very VERYYYY soon after this, hope you enjoy this :)
Annnnndddd, parody luke hemmings followed me on twitter and it made me so happy, he was doing an omegle hunt and this guy told me fuck off, me and my mate have a theory it was parody Michael haha
Carly's POV:

Its now a year later and I'm in a graduation gown and cap (I don't know how graduations work cos I'm not from America) I never thought I would be valedictorian this year. It just a huge shock, I mean I suppose my grades were ok, but apparently they were better than I thought.

I was getting ready to go up to the podium to give the speech I had to prepare for this day. Me and Luke are still together, that Britney girl turned out to be more of a shocker than I imagined, she got pregnant last year and the father is the captain of the football team. Wow. She was lying about all that stuff with Luke, he told me he didn't do any of it and frankly I believe him a lot more than I did that slut.

Michael and Becca kind of had an on and off thing, but they both agreed to stop that and just talk about it instead of being irational about it, he told her he loves her and I was there.... I even cried, it was so cute. Michael and Cal decided to drop out of school a few months ago, they've actually started a band together with Ash and Luke. I've heard their music and its so good. I think they will go far and make it big.

Turns out that girl Beth was Ashton's girlfriend, I only found that out a few weeks ago. I was shocked that I was the last one to find out and everyone laughed at how slow I was, I did too. I could even see them in the crowd with their hands laced together and I smiled at the sight.

I'm going to university, Luke insisted on going to the college right near where the university was so he could stay close to me.

I heard my name being called and I stepped up and started to speak "well, I um I can't believe we actually did it" everyone laughed and I carried on "these past years have been good, we've all kind of grown up with each other and now were all going our separate ways, all of us are living our own lives" I find Luke in the crowd and look straight into his eyes and he stares back "I'm happy that I've spent these years with the people I love and hopefully we all stay together. Keep the people you love close cos they're the ones that you want in your life. I'm so glad to be were I am today and I'm proud to have been part of such a great class, but everything has to come to an end at some point and for us, this is it. Some of you might still talk, I hope you do. I will miss you all, but I wish you all the luck for the future, have a good life" I nod and I hear cheers and claps errupt from the crowd.

I find my way to Luke and lace my hand with his, he looks down at me and pecks my cheek sweetly. We turn our (don't know what they're called) to the other side and the principal shouts "the graduating class of 2015!" Soon caps go flying in the air and Luke picks me up and spins me round, he places me down and looks into my eyes, he leans in and places his lips on mine, its wasn't long before we pull away smiling.

~time skip~

We were all at the party and I find myself barging through the crowd, people congratulating me, to go outside so I could find Luke. I slide the glass door across and find him looking up at the stars in the sky. I lightly tap him on the shoulder "hey" I say to him, but he says nothing, he just lightly drags me to the patio in the middle of the backyard.

I was confused at first, but when he places his hands on my waist, I knew what I needed to do. I wrap my arms around his neck and we softly rock to the beat of 'The forgotten' by Green day. I look at Luke and he says "Promise me that we will always be together? I need you in my life, you really have no idea how much I love you. I really do love you so much, even after I was a dick to you, you gave me a chance and I'm so glad you did because I wouldn't be here dancing with the most important person in my life, I know you lost your parents, but I'm here and I don't plan on leaving. I want to marry you, grow a family, have arguments, but then work it out cos that's what couples do and I want grow old with you. I just want to be happy with you like I am right now, as long as I've got you in my life, I can never be unhappy, I love you so much" I had tears in my eyes and I just don't say anything, I just attach my lips with his. We move in sync for a couple minutes before pulling away, our foreheads placed against each other.

"Always and forever?" he asks me sweetly

I nod "always and forever"

THIS IS IT!!!! thank you so much for reading this cos it really means a lot to me.
Sorry if my 'graduation' speech was crap, I don't know how they go, like I said, I'm not American.
Another story coming up really soon.
Again, thank you for sticking with me and reading this and voting. Love youuu.


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