• Chapter Two •

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Bucky quickly and easily dodged another kick thrown at him by Azar. "That all you got, doll?" He teased her with a smirk, knowing that she was beginning to grow frustrated.

"You talk too much, Pretty Boy." The brunette replied, a smirk of her own etching its way onto her lips.

"Do you have another round in you or are you starting to get tired?" She tease him. "Which is understandable for a 100 year old man." She added which caused the dark haired soldier to narrow his eyes playfully at her.

He lunged forward, aiming to hit her with his staff but Azar had dodged the attack with smug look on her face.

"Ooh, too slow!" She taunted as he gritted his teeth before turning around to face her. "I think the old age is finally catching up." She twirled her staff around as they both began circling each other, neither of them taking their eyes off the other.

They came to a brief halt before Bucky swung his staff, trying to get a hit in but Azar continued to block his attacks.

With another blocked attack and watching her move closer to him with a mishcievous glint in her eyes, Bucky noticed that she had left her side open.

He quickly landed a gentle tap to her side which caused the bruntette to pout up at him.

"Lucky shot." She said before tossing her staff aside and raised her fists in a defesnive position. "Let's go hand-to-hand."

Bucky smirked and tossed his own staff to the ground. "I had a feeling you would say that." He replied.

The couple ran towards each other but as Bucky went in for a punch, Azar slid to the ground and grabbed hold of his leg.

She maneuvered herself under his legs and tugged which caused the soldier to fall onto his back. She then quickly flipped him over onto his stomach and twisted his leg, earning herself a groan from the soldier beneath her.

Bucky quickly kicked her aside, flipping her onto her back before he pinned her to the ground.

"You could at least buy me dinner first, Soldier." She winked at him as a smirk took over his features.

She grabbed him from behind the neck and pulled him down onto his back, quickly moving herself up and grabbing his arm, twisting it at an odd angle over her leg.

"But you're easily distracted." She said before throwing herself onto her back, keeping his arm twisted at an angle but this time, pinned with her legs.

Bucky quickly flipped himself over, causing Azar to wrap her legs around his neck as he got onto his knees.

"Well, you are pretty distracting."He replied with a wink, smiling down at the brunette woman.

"Careful, your ladies man persona is showing." She teased and brought him to the ground by using her legs that were wrapped around his neck.

She pinned him down as she straddled his back. "I win." She whispered into his ear as he tapped his hand on the ground.

Smiling at her victory, Azar got to her feet and helped her fiancé to his feet. Bucky let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm never going to get used to this." He said, referring to their sparring session. "I can't even fight, let alone handle a staff, with one arm."

"Hey.." Azar stopped him gently as she cupped his face. "It's going to take a lot of practice but it's going to get easier." She said as she brushed aside a few strands of hair that fell loose from his man bun.

Over the past couple of weeks, Azar had been teaching Bucky to fight with one arm.

Naturally, the soldier grew frustrated at himself but his fiancée was always there to reassure him that it will become easier over time.

"In fact, you're getting better and better in each session. That alone makes me proud of you." She ended with a smile.

Bucky stared at her as a smile slowly took over his features. He leaned in and pecked her lips softly, earning himself a giggle from Azar.

Later that day, the brunette found her fiancée standing near the riverbank as he stared at the sunset

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Later that day, the brunette found her fiancée standing near the riverbank as he stared at the sunset.

Smiling to herself, she quietly made her way over and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. She placed a soft kiss to his left shoulder, directly on the scarring.

She felt him tense briefly at the action before feeling him relax.

"I'll never get tired of this." He said softly, keeping his eyes on the horizon that was painted with various shades of oranges, pinks and purples.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" She said as she moved to stand beside him.

"It is." Bucky replied. "But it will never compare to the beauty standing beside me."

Azar immediately felt her cheeks heat up with a blush as she bit her lip, smiling. She looked up at Bucky who stared directly at her with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Smooth, Barnes." She rolled her eyes with a smile.

Bucky chuckled as she leaned into his side, wrapping his arm around her waist.

He pressed a soft kiss to her head which caused Azar to giggle softly as she placed her head on his shoulder.

Everything just felt perfect.

Game of Survival • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now