• Chapter Fifteen •

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"Still no word from Stark?"

"No, not yet." Maria replied. "We're watching every satellite in both hemispheres, there's still nothing."

An alert went off on her device, causing Fury to glance at her as he drove. "What is it?" He asked.

"Multiple bogeys over Wakanda." She stated as she stared at the screen.

"Same energy signatures as New York?" The former Director questioned.

Maria shook her head. "Ten times bigger."

"Tell Klein. We'll meet him at--"

"Nick, Nick!" Maria yelled, cutting him off as a car spiraled out of control in front of them.

Fury slammed on the brakes and got out of the SUV, Maria doing the same. The two glanced at each other before the brunette made her way over to investigate.

"They okay?" Fury asked.

"There's no one here.." She replied.

The two heard helicopter rotors from the direction in which they came from causing them to turn around and find the aircraft spiralling in the air before it crashed, nose-first, into a building.

Screaming and panic ensued amongst the public who witnessed it.

During this, the former Director and agent of SHIELD noticed that the civilians around them were disintegrating into ash.

"Call control." Fury instructed. "Code Red."

"Nick?.." Maria called to him, staring at her hands. The Director turned to face her but was met with the sight of her disintegrating completely.

He raced back to the SUV, grabbing a pager from the bag on the backseat and proceeded to send out an emergency alert.

But after mere seconds of doing so, his own hand began to turn to ash. "Oh, no." He sighed heavily with a slow shake of his head.

"Motherf--" He completely corroded into ash before he could finish, the pager dropping to the ground in the process.

The device that lied on the ground  soon displayed a red-blue-and-gold star insignia.

The alert had reached her.

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