• Chapter Six •

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Azar sat outside of hers and Bucky's hut and stared burner phone in her hand, debating on whether or not she should call a certain billionaire playboy.

The two hadn't spoken to each other in over 2 years ever since he had attempted to kill her husband.

If she was being honest with herself, she missed Tony.

Sighing to herself and running a hand through her hair, Azar had finally decided to call him. She dialled the number and placed the phone against her ear.

She nervously began to fiddle with the bottom of her top as she heard ringing on the receiving end.

"Hello?" The familiar voice of Tony Stark rang out, causing a small smile to come across her lips.

"Hi, Tony." She replied softly.

"Azar?" Tony questioned, completely shocked to hear her voice again.

"Yeah." Azar answered.

"It's good to hear your voice again." She could sense a hint of nervousness in his tone. "How are you? Where are you--"

"You know I can't tell you that, Tony." Azar said, cutting him off in mid sentence and sighed deeply.

"The reason I called you is because I want to apologise for being a horrible friend.. Friends are supposed to have each other's backs and I didn't. I just left in the middle of everything happening between the Avengers.."

She went quiet for a moment, trying to piece her next words carefully. "I truly believed in what you did, the government's decision with the Accords were right but.. Bucky's warrant of arrest for something that he didn't do? And before you mention your parents, I know.. And I am so sorry, T.. But that wasn't him. His mind was HYDRA's toy to play with. Letting him escape and survive is something I will not apologise for.."

She heard a sigh from Tony's end. "I knew you'd say that. I'm sorry too." She heard him say. "Finding out what happened to Mom and Dad, I just became consumed and blinded by rage."

"It's okay. I forgive you." She said, smiling softly.

"Thank God." She heard the playboy sigh in relief. "My life is just dull without your sarcastic remarks."

"Glad to know I bring so much joy into your life." She replied with a laugh. "Oh, and congrats on the engagement."

"How did you know about that?" Tony asked.

"I have my ways, Stark." Azar answered with a smirk.

The two chatted for a couple more minutes before they both hung up. Azar closed her eyes and released a huge sigh of relief, running her hand through her dark locks.

"You look like the weight of the world had been lifted off your shoulders." The voice of her husband came up from behind her.

The brunette smiled and turned to face Bucky as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his side.

"Because it has." She replied, resting her hand on his chest.

Bucky merely chuckled and kissed her lips softly, earning himself a giggle from his wife.

Game of Survival • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now