• Chapter Fourteen •

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With what felt like forever, Azar finally came to. She looked around and everything had seemed eerily quiet.

A groan from beside her caught her attention where she saw Bucky slowly push himself up into a sitting position. She quickly moved to help him before she cupped his face between her hands.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Hmm.." Bucky hummed softly in response with a slight nod before taking in the quiet scene. "What happened?" He asked, carefully getting to his feet.

"I don't know.." She replied, keeping her hand against his lower back as she looked around for any sign of their teammates. "Come on.." She said, walking alongside him.

The couple arrived into a clearing where they had found Thor trembling in anger as well as Steve, who stumbled in while holding his side.

"Thor," Azar frowned, as she slowly walked over to the God of Thunder. "What happened?"

"Where'd he go?" Steve asked but the two were met with silence. "Thor, where'd he go?" The blonde asked again.

A snap of a twig startled the group, with the exception of Thor, causing them to turn around where they had found Artemis limping towards them while holding her arm.

Steve, immediately forgetting about his injured side, rushed forward to his fiancé.

The eldest brunette fell into the blonde soldier's arms as he carefully lowered them to the ground.

While doing so, Steve began to notice that her left hand was slowly turning to ash.

He stared at her, eyes widing with worry. "Artemis.." His voice cracked slightly.

Artemis stared up at Steve, placing her right hand against his cheek and stroked it lightly.

A small, soft smile formed over her lips, her eyes shining with so much emotion before she completely corroded into ash.

"Artemis.. No.. No!" Steve yelled as tears slowly began to roll down his cheeks.

Azar stood a few feet away, silent tears falling, as she had just witnessed her twin sister disintegrate before her eyes.

"Azar?.. Steve?.." The sound of Bucky's voice grabbed their attention but only for their eyes to widen in shock as Bucky walked towards them, looking at his hand that was turning to ash.

"No.. No, no, no.." Azar shook her head as fresh tears began to stream down her face. She ran towards him only to reach him as he stumbled and collapsed into ashes.

"No.." She whispered with a choked sob, the pain of her losing the people that she held dear brought her to her knees.

She held onto her chest as she felt a gaping hole of sadness and pain consume her. Two people who she loved so dearly were instantly ripped away from her by Thanos.

She'd never have those girl talks with Artemis again. She'd never watch her sister get married and settle down with kids of her own. She had lost so many years of not forgiving her sister until recently, and now to lose her forever?.. She could only imagine what Steve felt.

And Bucky, the love of her life.. His death hit her the hardest. They had mapped out their entire future together - from retiring from the hero life to having kids. This wasn't supposed to happen to them..

The brunette let out a scream as she broke down, not giving a damn about anyone who witnessed it. Her hands balled into fists as she tried to grasp hold of Bucky's ashes.

Heart break could not describe what she was feeling.

But one thing was for certain.

Thanos was going to pay.

Game of Survival • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now