• Chapter Eleven •

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The assigned section of the dome opened and the Outriders poured through, distracting them from finding any new access points.

Steve and T'Challa pulled ahead of the charge due to their rapid enhancements and lept into battle.

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked, his suit charged up with kinetic energy.

"I've barely begun, brother." He heard his sister's response.

"You might want to pick up the pace." He said, swiping his claws at an oncoming alien.

The battle continued to rage on but the Avengers and Wakandans soon began struggling against the alien army

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The battle continued to rage on but the Avengers and Wakandans soon began struggling against the alien army.

Continously shifting his gaze from the aliens to his wife, who flew above nearby, Bucky was taken down by an alien that snuck up behind him which resulted in his gun being knocked out of his hands. Seeing this, Azar's eyes widened in horror as he struggled beneath it.

"James!" She yelled and barreled towards him.

While keeping the snapping fangs of the alien away from his face with his metal arm, the Winter Soldier quickly retrieved his knife from his holster and slashed it before immediately feeling the weight being lifted off him.

He turned his head to see Azar, breathing deeply before she shifted her gaze to him.

"I thought I said to be careful." She said breathlessly, helping him to his feet and assessed him for injuries.

"I gotta look out for you, doll." He said and slashed an oncoming alien behind her before flipping his knife and putting it back in his holster.

"I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt." He added, picking up his gun.

"That makes two of us." She replied with a soft smile, her eyes beginning to glow as she moved to stand back-to-back with him.

She engulfed her hand in cosmic energy and fired photon blasts at the Outriders with Bucky shooting at them once more.

"There's too many of them!" Bruce's voice echoed over comms.

The couple glanced around them, finding almost everyone on their team being taken by at least 5 or 6 Outriders.

They found Steve on the ground, struggling against the aliens with Artemis struggling to reach him, herself.

They threw each other worried glances as they tried to hold off the army as best they could when suddenly a large beam of rainbow-hued light landed in the middle of the action.

An ax soared out of the beam, wreathed with lightning as it tore through the Outriderswhich freed the struggling heroes.

Azar narrowed her eyes at the beam of light as the ax flew back and into its master's hand.

Game of Survival • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now