Ajay Bhandari x MC

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You were sitting at your desk, in your room studying hard for an upcoming test at school when your phone vibrates next to you. You pick it up to see a text from Ajay.

Ajay: Hey :)

Bailey: Hey yourself ;)

Ajay: Are you free?

Bailey: I'm current studying. Why?

Ajay: look outside? :D

You put your phone down and look out your window. Down on the street you see Ajay talking with Casey, you open your window and shout out "hey! What's going on?!" They turn around and look up at the sound of your shout, "Bailey! Come down. Ajay h- -" Casey starts shouting back but is cut off when Ajay jabs him in the side with his elbow "ow!" Casey exclaims. Looking at them suspiciously you close your window and head down stairs. Once you're outside, you walk upto Ajay and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. It's been 3 whole days since you've seen him, he was off school ill and all day Saturday you were helping out at the diner your parents own so you had no time to see him. He hugs you back, planting a kiss on your cheek, "okay... Imma head back to the kitchen and study. See you later Bailey" Casey waves as he heads back inside, you wave back and then turn to face Ajay. "So.. what brings you to my neighbourhood?" You ask and Ajay raises an eyebrow at you. Suddenly you realise. It's your 10 month anniversary and your eyes go wide "ohmygod! I haven't wrapped it. Wait here!" You exclaim and run back inside and up to your room. Ajay stand on the grass looking up at your window laughing to himself as he see you run in and draw the curtains.

5 minutes later you run back outside and present a plain white gift box with a pretty red and gold bow. "Happy... anni-anniversary" you say breathlessly. He takes the box, chuckling at you as you collapse on the floor breathing hard and he takes a seat next to you. "Thank you" he says lovingly as he leans over and pecks your cheek. He opens the box and gasps "Bailey! ... You... you got it for me?!" he asks choked up, tears forming in his eyes as he looks at you holding the book he'd been going on about for week in his hands "Bailey... this... this is... thank you" he whispers whilst wiping a tear from his cheek. You smile up and him and grab his hand lacing your fingers together "I love you Ajay Bhandari. More than words can say" You tell him, looking into his eyes adoringly.

He gives your hand a quick squeeze then runs to his car bringing back a picnic blanket and a basket filled with food and fake champagne. You both set up the picnic and sit down. Tue rest of your day is spent in each others company looking at clouds and planes flying by until the sun starts to go down and you both head to your room where you study together before settling on you bed, under the covers to watch a movie on your laptop. That night you fall asleep in each others arms after hearing Ajay whisper one final "happy anniversary janu, I love you" in your ear and snuggling you closer.

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