Ernest Sinclaire x MC

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It was a beautiful sunny day and you were taking a walk around the Edgewater gardens, admiring the flowers and thinking about how far you had come in the 6 years since your marriage to Mr.Sinclaire. You were walking to the bench that overlooked the lake, cradling your small bump, when you felt a delicate thud against your legs and a tiny tug on the skirts of your dress. Taken my surprise you turned around, looking down to see your youngest child Ida looking up at you smiling "mama!" She giggles clapping her hands together enthusiastically. You look back up and see your husband standing there out of breath "I'm so sorry, my love. I know you wished to not be interrupted" he said looking apologetic as her picked up your daughter, "That's quite alright Ernest. I know what a little handful she is" you replied lightly pinching her cheek as you smiled at her. "Ida poo!" She says innocently and she looks up at her father who face screws up in displeasure as he feels the warmth in his arm. You look at Ida and then burst out laughing "Oh Ernest. Are you ever going to get used to this? We are about to have out 3rd child together after all" you say and he puts Ida down, who takes both your hands as you head back towards the house, resting your free hand on your stomach. He looks at you "Most likely not my love. But for you I would do it a thousand times over" he smiles at you adoringly as you reach the door, he opens it and you step inside. As he shirts the door your brother Viscount Harry comes up to you "Ah, there you are. Th- ... WHAT, is that smell?" He asks, disgust written all over his face. Next to you Ida giggles "Ida poo poo!" she looks at your faces that are blank with shock that she just shouted so loud, the three of you exchange looks before laughing "alright you. Let's go and change you before you stink anyone else out" you say, heading down the hall to go and change her, but stop dead in you tracks as you hear your name "yes?" You say as you turn back around, "I was sent to tell you and Mr.Sinclaire than lunch is ready" Harry says with a smile which you return "Thank you Harry, tell them I will be there as soon as possible" you turn back and carry on down the hall to change Ida before washing your hands and heading to lunch.

That night with the help of Percival, you family and the staff at Edgewater look after your children whilst Mr.Sinclaire takes you to Ledford Park for a special evening together. Outside he helps you into the carriage then gets in too taking the seat next to you. "What?" You ask as you look up at him, "Nothing... I just love we can sit like this now. No questions asked" he says, taking your hand in his and brushing your knuckles against his lips in a soft kiss. You blush and giggle looking at him "My Ernest" you whisper as you push his hair back away from his face staring into his eyes. Soon, you arrive at Ledford Park and Mr.Sinclaire helps you out of the carriage and leads inside.

Together you head down the halls towards the parlour, you look up a Mr.Sinclaire and see a slight smile playing on his lips and smile to yourself. Suddenly he stops in his tracks in front of the parlour door. "Okay... I need to blindfold you. But all I have is my hands.. uh.." he says looking around, confusion in his brow. You giggle at him and he looks at you "Mr.Sinclaire, sir. Why dont you just cover my eyes?" You say hiding you mouth behind you hand, stifling anymore laughter arising from you. "Well.. Uh, yes, I... I suppose I could" he stutters, moving behind you and placing his hands over your eyes. You stand still for a couple more minutes, feeling his breath gently brush the back of your neck. "Ok, I'm going to move forwards now. Could you feel for the handle and open the door a little?" He says his voice low and gravely, sending chills down your spine as you nod. He guide you forwards and you feel for the door handle.

Once inside and standing where he wants you, he uncovers your eyes but instructs you to keep your eyes shut, the suspense is now killing you. "Oh, hurry up Ernest. This suspense is simply too much!" You exclaim happily as you hear shuffling around you. "Patience my love, this will all be worth it" he tells you, slight amusement in his voice. You wait there for what feels like hours when finally you hear a throat clear "Alright. You can open your eyes now darling" Mr.Sinclaire announces. You open your eyes and as they adjust your jaw drops "Ernest..." you say breathlessly "what is...?" You continue looking around the candle lit room as he stand behind a chair smiling at you "your first gift" he says tapping the chair, you look and realise that it's wrapped in paper. Looking at him curiously, you step forwards and start ripping the paper "why did you wrap a chair? I know what a chair looks like Ernest. It's wooden and they're always some shade of brown. Are you losing your mind because I'm starting to beli-" you ramble but stop as you finish unwrapping it and stand, taking it in. After a few moments you look up at Mr.Sinclaire, who is looking down at you with an arched brow "you were saying Mrs.Sinclaire?" He questions, but tears start running down your face. He moves to you and brings you into a short but tight embrace as you look at the chair. It's Ivory wooden frame looks as pale as a ghost against the royal blue, plush cushioned seat and back rest. Then your eyes move to the sides that have swirled golden detail running down the middle. "Ernest... this is..." you choke out between sobs ,but he cuts you off "There's one more thing one here that's the best part. But you may want to take a seat. You sit on the couch behind you and look at him, giving him a nod as he looks at you as if asking if you're ready. As he turns the chair round, you gasp as you see 'Mrs.Sinclaire' across the back, written completely in your father's favourite gemstone. You cover your mouth and let out a bunch of tears with mixed emotions. You were sad because you miss your father, even though you barely had the time to get to know one another, you loved Ernest more that you ever had before for this gift but at the same time you were shocked at how much this must have cost him. You tried to speak but all that came out was strangled sounds and happy laughter behind your tears. Ernest passes you some tissues and you take them cleaning yourself up. You take a few moments to calm down, leaning into Mr.Sinclaire warm embrace as he sat next to you. After a few moments you had calmed down and look up at him "Ernest... I- ... Thank You. This is... it's beautiful and so thoughtful. It's... Well it's..." you struggle to find the words you're looking for, "everything." He says, you nod and he smiles back at you "I wanted to repay you with gifts that would say how much I love you. Just like the gifts you've gotten me have proved you love and dedication to me. But I couldn't possibly pick out as many gifts for you. To me, you're a wildcard so I had to get simple gifts that mean a lot in value. So I got this chair, with the help of your brothers and Viscountess Theresa. Then with the help of one Briar Marlcaster-Daly, I have two more gifts for you tonight" he tells you looking into your eyes lovingly, brushing the hair out of your face and wiping a stray tear away. You stay in your embrace on the couch for a while longer before a servant comes to the parlour delivering a message to Mr.Sinclaire, who nods as the servant take your chair while Mr.Sinclaire stands and extends a hand to you "Would you care to follow me? My love" he smiles brilliantly at you. Soon you're in the dining room together enjoying an amazing 5 course meal with all your shared favourites. Soon dessert comes around and you're just waiting for it to be served when Mr.Sinclaire takes your hand, smiling at you lovingly. "There's someone here to see you" he says and as if on cue, through the door walks Mr.Danforth carrying a plate, you start to get all choked up again, as you smile at him. You stand and give him a hug after he places the plate on the table, "Mr.Danforth! it's so good to see you." You greet looking at him. "It's been too long!" He exclaims. You chat and catch up for a few minutes before he bids farewell and heads out the door. You enjoy your dessert with Ernest and before you know it, you're taking a nighttime stroll around the gardens of Ledford Park, talking and laughing with your husband until finally, you reach the bench in the flower garden where you both take a seat. You look up at the stars and shiver as a light breeze blows over you "here" says Mr.Sinclaire, as he shrugs off his jacket and places it around your shoulders. You lean back and cuddle into his side. "We'll be up there one day" you speak quietly as you take Ernest's hand in yours, lacing your fingers together "one day" he repeats, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. After spending a few moments in silence, you look up a Ernest and smile. "Thank you for tonight. It was nice and exactly what we needed" you say and press a gentle kiss to his cheek. He blushes slightly and you giggle. You think it's the cutest thing when he gets flustered at simple things like this, even though he is now your husband of 6 years. You reach up and pinch his cheek giggling quietly and he chuckles. "Come on. I have 2 more things for you inside" Ernest says as he rises from the bench. You stand as well and follow him back inside, where you head to his study. You take a seat on the bench by the window as Mr.Sinclaire retrieves a jewellery box from the too drawer of his desk as takes a seat next to you. He hands you the box with a smile and kisses your forehead "open it" he says softly. Your gaze moves from his face to the box in your hand as you open it. As you open it you start to tear up all over again. Inside sits your Lady Grandmothers pearl earrings and a matching necklace for your mama's engagement ring. You put the box down on the table next to you and turn to Ernest and give him a deep, passionate and loving kiss. You pull away and he rests his foreheads together "do you like it?" He asks softly, you smile "it's perfect" you reply sweetly. You pick the box back up and pass it to him. "Can you put the necklace on me?" You ask, "of course, my love" he replies as he takes the necklace out of the box, then moves to stand behind you "Could you...?" He asks, you smile and home your hair out of the way and he fastens the necklace around your neck.

Later you're in bed together at Ledford Park sleepily enjoying the closeness between you and your husband when he speaks sleepily, "I'm glad you came into my life and married me. You made me happy again after a world of pain and hurt nobody could understand. I hope our souls stay together in this life and the many other that are to come after this. I love you, my sweetheart" with a gentle but loving peck to your cheek he then snuggles down the bed, holding you close.

That night you fall asleep completely content with your life, holding Ernest's hand over your bump you whisper "i love you too" and you both fall into a peaceful slumber, know that whatever the future may hold, you'll be ready to face it all. Together.

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