Relighting the Spark, Part Four

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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Tesse Sterling (F!MC)

A/N: So this is the finial part of this Bryce x F!MC series and it was finished by Yours Truly. I loved collaborating on this fiction with two of my best friends from tumblr and am currently collabing with one of them on another idea. I will post that one once it's 100% complete so I don't have to keep you waiting too long 😉😂. But for now, Enjoy the finale of Relighting The Spark ❤❤


As Tesse stood in the hallway looking over a patient chart, she jumped as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and looked up to find Bryce looking at her. She gave a polite smile and little nod before returning her attention to the chart.

"Um... Tesse?"

"Mhm?" she hummed, her gaze unmoving from the chart as she jotted something down.

"Are we still.... grabbing food tonight?"

Closing the charts cover and placing it back in the holder outside the room, she looked at him as she pocketed her pen.

"If I don't get caught up here, of course. I was thinking burgers for a change."

"When did you start eating burgers? You hate those."

"It's been 10 years Bryce. People and their tastes change."

"Not all tastes though, right? Because you still.. you know. Love me."

Bryce grinned as Tesse shook her head and hit his chest. "Don't you have a surgery to be in or something else to do other than pestering a medical intern?"

"Indeed. Why are you bothering my intern?" A stern voice sounded from behind Tesse. She gasped and turned pale as she saw who it was. Bryce turned around, his trademark megawatt smile on his face.

"Well?" pushed one of the men as they arched their brow at Bryce.

"Dr. Mirani. Dr. Ramsey. I'm so-"

Dr. Ramsey spared a split second glance at Tesse as he held up his hand, halting her speech.

"I may be harsh, but I'm not expecting you to apologize for being pestered by a scalpel jockey."

"I-, Okay. Dr. Ramsey. Br- Dr. Lahela, you should go."

Bryce looked around him, skepticism on his face as he looked at the two older men in front of him.

"Look.. Tesse. ... I mean, Dr. Sterling, Just let me know about tonight okay?"

Tesse nodded her reply, Bryce stayed for a few more seconds before turning on his heel and walking away. Dr. Mirani following closely behind him as Dr. Ramsey turned his intense glare to Tesse who seem to shrink beneath it.

"May I remind you we are here to treat patients Dr. Sterling. Not speed date other doctors."

"Yes Dr. Ramsey." She said with a grimace.

"On your own time, you can do whatever you want with that scal-"

"Dr. Ramsey, that was my ex." Tesse blurted out, interrupting his scolding of her. He stared at her stunned.

"Oh. I... am sorry." The older doctor apologized after a moment of awkward silence.

"I.. should get back to work and you should too. I'm guessing a busy man such as yourself has a few important cases and I wouldn't want to be responsible for anything happening to the patients because you were held up here. I.. don't need chewing out about this, I already know."

Ethan stood there staring at her in stunned silence. This was the first ever intern who had the guts to tell him they didn't need him to chew them out or reprimand their actions. In that moment, his respect for the young doctor increased a little bit.

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