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Pairing: Noah Harris x Anna-Rose Price (MC)

Warnings/Disclaimers: violence, mentions of death & blood.

Work Count: 4.1K


It had been a couple of days since Principal Jennings had invoked fear into Anna-Rose Price and those she loved the most. 2 days without her childhood friends Mason, 2 days having minimal contact with Ava, 2 days away from her sister. Luckily, their father was protecting them both the best he could. But it had also been 2 days by Noah's side. He was terrified to go back to jail. The first time he had been shot by Principal Jennings and not even stolen anything, this time it was pretty much the same minus the shooting. Noah was terrified because he knew the power the principal held. He could bribe anyone with anything. So Noah pretty much knew this was it, he had come back to Eastridge, found who he believed to be his one true love, and now he was going back to jail for 'stealing' when really the only result of their plan was breaking and entering as he and Mason hadn't stolen anything from the office. And if he was being honest with himself if he was going to jail, Mason should too. They were accomplices in this instance, plus if Principal Jennings was going to have Mason on house arrest, they may as well go to jail together. After all, if you do the crime together, you do the time together. Right?

Noah was currently sat in the backyard staring at the grass as Anna-Rose stepped outside, closing the door gently behind her and taking a seat next to him.

"Hey." She whispered, gently taking his hand in her own.

Noah sighed and took his hand from Anna's and wrapped it around her shoulders, kissing her head. He was scared and worried, and Anna could sense it as she wrapped her arms tightly around his torso, squeezing tightly.

"We'll prove you're innocent for stealing and the only thing you and Mason are guilty of is breaking and entering the office." she mumbled into his chest. He squeezed her tightly in response as a tear ran down his cheek and got absorbed into her hair. Moments passed in silence before Noah could form words.

"I'm scared, Anna-Rose" he whispered.

She sat up and looked him in the eyes, only to see the pain, hurt and torment that was swirling around in them. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes she had ever seen. They were almost as clear as crystal skies but now they were the shade of a stormy ocean in the eye of a storm. Carefully, Anna-Rose reached out her hand and cupped Noah's cheek, tears pooling in her eyes as he leant into her touch, closing his eyes and letting his tears fall into her hand. This was the Noah she wish everyone else could see. Not the hardened and heartless criminal everyone thought he was from rumors, but the kind, caring, loving, and amazing big brother and son he is. He does so much for his family, he is such a good person, but nobody sees that but Anna-Rose. Partly because he didn't want anyone but her to see that side of him, because again, he was scared. But mainly because when everyone's expectations and views of you are so set in stone because of rumors they heard, why bother worrying yourself with the stress of trying to bring them round to seeing who you really are. That's why he's so thankful for Anna-Rose. She shoved the rumors aside and relentlessly got to know the real Noah Harris.

Suddenly the back door opened, and Noah's mom stepped outside holding the phone.

"Someone called Jeff is on the phone for you two." She informed them, holding the phone towards Noah.

Anna and Noah frowned at each other lightly before Noah took the phone. "Thanks ma." he said, and she smiled sadly with a small nod then headed back inside.

"Jeff. I don't know a jeff so what's your actual name?"

But no response came, and Noah frowned at Anna-Rose who was looking at him curiously. Suddenly she gasped and snatched the phone from Noah.

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