Día de Los Reyes - Méndez & Day Families (Part One)

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It was a few days after New Years and Tara gently opened the door to her daughter's room, "Zoey.... it's time to wake up" she called into the room. Zoey stirred and looked at her with sleepy eyes "mmmm 10 more minutes moooommm." She groaned and pulled the pillows over her head. Tara chuckled "come on sleepy head, we're spending the day with Thomas and Luz!" She exclaimed and Zoey bolted upright in bed "why didn't you say so!?" She exclaimed excitedly. She scampered out of bed and to the bathroom. Setting out clothes on her bed Tara called out "don't forget to clean behind your ears!" Zoey responded with an "OKAY MOM!" And shut the bathroom door.

About 3 hours later they arrived at Thomas' house and Luz answered the door "ZOEY!" She exclaimed excitedly and the two shared a tight hug "Hiiiiiiiii!" Zoey said back as Luz pulled her inside. Tara followed the two inside and shit the door behind her carefully. "Dad! Dad Zoey and Tara are here!" Luz called out running towards the kitchen. Tara followed the girls and found Thomas mid prep of a dish "Smells delicious" she smiled and made her way over to peck him on the cheek. "Eewwwwwwwwwwww." The girls chorused. Thomas and Tara chuckled and shared a deeper more meaningful kiss, bit kept it short. "Mooooooommmm. Daaaaaaaaddddd." Zoey and Luz whined. The 2 adults shared a look then turned to the children "Me and Zoey brought you Christmas gifts for you to open" Tara said placing a bag on the empty counter top "Coool! Can I open mine now dad?! Pleeeeease??" Luz asked excitedly giving him her best puppy dog eyes. The two had a bit of a staring competition before Thomas finally caved "Fine. You can open it now, I guess" he sighed, "Woo! Thanks Dad, you're the best!" She said happily and picked up her gift. She sat on a stool and started ripping the paper off "careful!" Zoey exclaimed holding Luz's wrist lightly "there's a small delicate gift in there too. There's like 3 things in one package" she added softly. Luz smiled at Zoey and nodded, slowing down her ripping of the paper. Once the paper was all off Luz let out a little gasp "Dad look!" She exclaimed in wonder and held up the clothes she had gotten and showing him the bracelet on her wrist which matched Zoey's. "Hm?" He hummed as he finished drying his hands and turned around "oh... wow! Sweetheart that's awesome. What do you say?" He said as he looked at the clothes closer "Thank you Zoey. Thank you Tara." She said sweetly and gave them each a hug. "Can I put them on please dad?" She asked, "okay. But only because it's a cold day and we aren't going anywhere" he told her as he handed the clothes back. "Yay! Can I put mine on to mom?!" Zoey exclaimed, grabbing her overnight bag "wait... we have matching pj's?!" Luz said getting really excited "well duh.. you're my best friend!" Zoey sassed as the two ran up the stairs towards Luz's room. Tara chuckled as she watched them go "kids..." she murmured "they never do wait for answers do they?" Thomas chuckled from behind her.

Later on after the food was all prepared for the next day and in the fridge, the four of them sat in the living room watching TV. "So what's happe-" Thomas started to ask "Shhh!" Zoey hissed, eyes glued to the screen. He just chuckled quietly and pulled Tara closer, her head coming to rest on his chest "mmm... you're warm" she whispered and wrapped her arms round his waist. He pressed a kiss to her temple and they carried on watching TV. At some point they ordered chinese take out and played a few rounds of charades, which Thomas was both hilariously and adorably bad at, before tucking the girls into bed and reading them a bedtime story. Soon the girls were sound asleep and Tara joined Thomas downstairs on the couch.

"They're down for the count" she smiled as she sat next to him. He pulled her closer until she had one leg over his lap and covered them with a blanket. "I love you Tara" Thomas said quietly, causing them both to got ridged with shock. Slowly Tara sat up and faced him. "I- - uh- well-" he stuttered going bright red. Tara just smiled and gently held his wrist "it's okay. I love you too" she smiled and pecked his cheek, as he visibly relaxed under her touch. "Wait here" she said and got up making her way to the kitchen. When she came back she had his gift in her hand "here" she said as she sat down, passing him the present. He carefully unwrapped it, mouth agape as his scrunched the paper up in his free hand "Tara..." he in pure shock as he opened the gift. "You... you didn't have to... this is a whole months wages." He said, stumbling over his words and staring at the gift with glossy eyes. "It's half a months wages" she said confidently. He stared at her "but.." he said but Tara put a finger on his lips. "I told you about my career change. It offers just over double of what i made at Carmina and The Drafthorse combined. This was no problem." She said and pecked his lips. He returned the kiss, which became more heated by the second before Tara gently pushed him away to catch her breath.

Thomas got up and pulled Tara with him. "Come on." He said with a yawn "lets go to bed" he smiled as they held hands and went to his bedroom. When they got there Thomas placed his new watched on his bedside table and took off the one he's wearing and put it in the draw with the rest. Tara took off her slippers and slipped into bed with him and the two cuddled up under the duvet. "Goodnight Tara" Thomas whispered lowly "G'night" Tara replied with a little yawn.

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