Part 2

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We had decided on having a beach day with the rest of our class for the last day before I went to Kanto for a week. It was fun, and Gladion showed up at the end.

The next day came and Pikachu and I left for Kanto. I met up with some old friends and had a good week. I had missed the Kantonian cuisine and most importantly my Mom. The week was up and nothing major had happened. I had a battle with both Brock and Misty and I won both of them. I got on the plane and flew back to Alola. I hadn't told any of them when I was arriving so I could sneak up on them.
First on the list, Kukui, Burnet and my Pokemon. I had arrived in the early morning so it was still somewhat dark. I walked up to the house and looked through the windows. I saw Kukui at the table, with a lamp on. He was working on a paper and had a cup of coffee next to him.

I decided to knock on the door lightly as to not wake anyone. Pikachu was on my shoulder. I heard Kukui ask who was up this early. He opened up the door and saw me. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw me.
"Ash!" He said. "How have you been!"
"I have been good. I have missed you guys though, and it had only been a week!" I said.
"Why didn't you tell us what time you were arriving?" He quizzed
"Oh I wanted it to be a surprise." I said "Wait, isn't Kiawe up soon? If so, mind if I take Garchomp and visit him first, then maybe Lillie and Gladion. I can come back here and we can go to the school and meet up with the rest of them."
"If you want, just make sure you are safe Ash!" Kukui said.

I set off after retrieving Garchomp from the school and flew over to Akala Island. I landed down in Kiawe's land. I checked the time and it was half six. I know he wakes up early, but I don't know when. Luckily he had just gotten up. I had decided to fly off after a few minutes of waiting.

"Wait!" I hear from behind me. "Ash? Is that you?" I turned and told Garchomp to fly down. I saw Kiawe on the ground.
"Hey! Kiawe!" I call out.
"Why are you here so early?" He asked "I thought you were gonna come back at lunch or something!"
I landed on the ground.
"Well you thought wrong, eh?" I said back. "I didn't want to tell anyone when I was arriving,"
"Fair enough I guess,"
"You're the second person I have visited," I mentioned "Kukui was probably pulling an all nighter. I went up to the house and saw him working on some papers on the table with a cup of coffee. Wonder what he was working on?"
"Same. That's not like him is it?" Kiawe said. "Well if you want you can stay here or do you have somewhere to be?"
"I was planning on going to Lily and Gladion but know that I think about it I'm not sure where they are. Sometimes they are at Aether Paradise, sometimes it's their estate. And then there is the times when Gladion isn't there," I said. "Well, I guess it's not worth the excess travel, I might as well stay here,"

We went inside and waited until we had to go to school. We flew on our own Pokemon, sadly. Then again I guess I shouldn't leave Garchomp there. We got to the classroom early so we decided to go to the Ultra Guardians base of operations and return Garchomp. We had our uniforms put on whilst we were taken down. We returned it and went back up.
"Why are you in your outfits?" Lillie asked.
"Ee Eevee!" Sandy murmured.
"Oh- we had to return Garchomp. I was using it earlier," I replied
"Right!" Lillie said
"Oh, we might as well stay in these. I don't think we have time to get cha-"
"Hey guys!" Kukui said "Why are you in your outfits?"
"Can't be bothered you get out of them. We had to return Garchomp," Kiawe said.
I couldn't help but stare Kiawe. I don't understand why though. Weird.

733 words.

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now