Part 9 - A gift and sharing a bed

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I was skating around but I just couldn't concentrate.
"Hey guys, I'm going out for a bit." I called out
"Oh why?" Serena asked
"I need to buy some things," I said "Everyone, do you want to stay or come with me?" I directed to my Pokemon. Everyone but Pikachu wanted to stay.

"Hey! Ash!" I heard from behind me. I was walking back home to get my money. I turned around and saw Kiawe running towards me. I froze.
"W- what do you need?" I stumbled over my words.
"I'm so sorry!" He said. It's my fault, they are my friends after all.
"Oh... it's my fault... they are my friends and I couldn't stop them being ann-" He cut me off. But not by speaking, though. He hugged me. I hugged him back. I just melted in his embrace.
"This will go down until they come back for Christmas. Don't worry," I said. "Hey, I can handle my own friends but you can't, none of us can really. That's why I never really wanted to introduce any of my older friends with my newer ones,"
"I mean, that makes sense," he said. "Well, I'm going to let you go and do your shopping now, see you," I didn't want him to leave.

One month later

I woke up. We had been on break for a few days and today was Arceusmas Eve, except it was eve morning. Pretty weird.

I got up, went downstairs and ate. I grabbed my presents and wrapped them up. I was going to give everyone theirs tomorrow, but I decided on giving Kiawe something extra today. No reasoning other then him being a great friend. For the first time in Alola's history it had snowed.
"Hey bud!" I asked.
"Wanna go outside?"
"Ash! Make sure you stay warm!" Kukui shouted.
"Will do!"

We played around in the snow for an hour or two. I heard footsteps behind me.
"Hey Ash," I heard. I turned around and saw Ash. He was in his normal clothes.
"Hey! How are you?"
"I'm good. I'm just having a walk before I meet up with Lillie to go to Mallows restaurant. Wanna come with?"
"Sure!" I said "Let me grab the presents before we leave, I think it will be better if I drop them off at yours before we go to the restaurant." I went inside and grabbed my backpack and put my presents in. We walked for a bit just talking about random things, and then we reached the estate.
"Lillie! I'm back, and Ash is here to drop off some things,"
"Hey Gladion, Ash!"
"Hey!" I shouted "Is there anywhere I can drop off some presents? They are for tomorrow!"
"Yeah sure," She walked into the room we were in. "You can go find a room on the second floor, Gladion will you show him one?"
"Yeah sure," He said. "Come on Ash,"

We walked upstairs and I found a spare room, there are three empty ones to the left of it, and Gladion's is to the left of it. I put down my backpack and took out the presents. I put Kiawe's early present in my backpack and put it on. At this point it was 5pm and we were meant to meet up at half past. We walked together and saw Kiawe, Lana and the Kalos gang on the way there. It looks like Clement, Serena and Bonnie were asking for directions. I ran up to Kiawe and pulled him to the side. I waited for Lillie and Gladion to pass by.

"What was that for?" He asked. I took off my backpack and pulled out my present.
"This is for you, I saw it and decided it would be a nice secondary present for you, I found it when I went home," I put it in his hand. He unwrapped it and there was a small black box. He opened it and there was a cushioned pad and on it lay a key stone and a Charizardite Y. I looked up at him and his eyes were glossy.

"I- I don't know how to thank you," He eventually said. He closed the box and hugged me. I heard a squeal and thought it was Lillie but I didn't care.

"Oh, and I have asked Olivia if she can make an extension for your z-ring and something for Charizard. She agreed and all she needs is your z-ring to fix it to, then it's all good,"
"Th..thank you Ash," He said. "We should get going now,"

We stood up and left. I heard footsteps ahead and still presumed it was Lillie. We arrived at the restaurant and talked for a while until we entered. We sat around a table. On one side it was me in the end then Kiawe next to me, Lillie, Gladion and Bonnie. On the other side it was Clement, Lana, Sophocles, Serena and Hau. On our side there was a spare seat for Mallow.

Twenty minutes later and Mallow brought out the meal. She also brought out food for our Pokemon. We finished our meal at about half six and decided to go back to Lillie's. We set up a movie and watched it. It was about some weird hero Pokemon that saved a Goodra. It had a Hawlucha on its side and had to defeat this team called Team Jelli. I was pretty bored and decided to go to my room. I told everyone it was to sort out some of my presents. But it was to just relax and get away from that movie. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. I was there for probably a minute until I heard a knock.
"Come in!" I shouted. Kiawe opened the door.
"Did you find that movie boring?" He asked
"Yeah, I didn't like it too much," I said
"Same, it was pretty stupid,"

We hung out for a bit and he went to bed. I also fell asleep.

I woke up at one am and couldn't get back to sleep.
"Ugh, what should I do?" I muttered. "Nobody is going to be up,"
"Well, maybe it's worth a shot."
I got up, opened my door and knocked on Kiawe's.
"Come in," he said. I popped in my head and his look went from suspicious to calm. "Oh hey Ash, couldn't sleep?"
"Mhm," I said.
"Wanna sleep in my bed? I was just about to go to sleep," He said
"O-oh s..sure," I said. My face turned red, and so did his. I climbed into his bed and closed my eyes. His warmth encapsulated me and I fell asleep immediately. He shuffled closer to me and put his arm around me, and fell asleep.

1137 words.

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now