Part 15 - A party

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A few months had passed. I grew out of my depressive state and everything was going great!

And it was great. Oh boy was it great.

I woke up at around 7 am. "Ugh," I grumbled. I opened my eyes to see Pikachu sleeping on my bed. And sat up and noticed something was... off. I shrugged it off though and went down the ladder. Once again something felt off.
"Hey Professor?" I ask. Professor Kukui was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"What's up Ash?" He asked.
"Why does something feel off?" I asked.
"I'm not sure. Well, here's your food," He said. He placed down the food on the table and I began to eat. Pikachu woke up and I called out the rest of my Pokemon. Kukui got them their food.

After we had finished I rushed off to school. Once I entered the classroom everything felt off again.
"Hey Ash! How you doing?" Kiawe said.
"Great thanks!" I replied. I sat down in my seat and waited for Kukui to enter.

The day was pretty boring. Nothing really happened, but I guess it was a nice change.
"Alright guys! That's the bell." Kukui announced.
"Hey Professor? Can I go train?" I asked
"Yeah sure," He said. "Just be back soon,"

Huh, I wonder why..?

I take out my phone and check some things.

That date...

I just ignored it. I waited for everyone to clear out.
"Hey pikachu?" I asked.
"Is it just me or does something feel off today?"
"Pi," He said, nodding his head.
"Anyways, lets go train!" I said. We ran out of the classroom and ran down to the beach.

I let out Torracat and Lycanroc, and then started to train. As usual I trained along side my Pokemon, running around and helping myself get stronger with them. I really enjoy this, and I'm sure my Pokemon do too.

After an hour of training we run back to the house. Everything is dead silent. No waves, no noises from inside the house, nothing.
"Huh?" Rotom questioned.
"I don't know. It feels like a horror movie,"

I open the door and the house is pitch black. The only light is coming from the door.
"Woah," Rotom said. "Nobody is here,"

"SURPRISE!!" The light turned on.
"W-what?" I said.
"Happy birthday!" Kukui said. I immediately got a wave of texts from all his friends and family
"That's why the date was familiar!" I exclaimed.
"You seriously forgot about your birthday?" Burnet said.
"Kinda," I say, scratching the back of my neck. Everyone deadpanned. "Sorry,"

"Anyways," Kukui said. "Happy birthday ash!"
"Thanks!" I said. "I knew something was off!"
"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, running off to who knows where.
"Wait..." I said, turning to Rotom. "Did you know about this?"
"Yup!" Rotom exclaimed.
"Oh, anyways," I said. "Let's celebrate!"

The night was really fun. We had a great party.

Everyone had left but Kiawe.
"Hey Ash!" He called out.
"Hey Kiawe!" I replied. He walked closer to me.
He put his hand on my chin and leaned in closer to me. We both closed our eyes and pressed our lips together. After a while I pulled away.
"I love you Kiawe," I say.
"I love you Ash,"

542 words.


Hi! So this is the final major part. I may make an in the future part but idk

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now