Part 4

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We got back from training and it was already night. I had planned to meet up with Lillie, Lana and Kiawe. It was just a friendly hangout. They came over and we had a great night. Kiawe was the last to leave. Before he left we accidentally locked eyes. He smiled and left. I wonder why he smiled when we locked eyes.

I layed on my bed, just thinking about things. I still don't know why Kiawe held out his arms, instead of just getting Charizard to catch me. Well, I shouldn't think too hard about it. It was just a friendly action. Nothing more. I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.

Lumiose City

"Serena, Clement? You ready?" A young Blonde said. She was a 14 year old.
"Yeah!" Clement replied. He and the young blonde were siblings. Clement was 17.
"Bonnie?" Serena asked. Serena was a brunette and she was 16. Clement and Bonnie were best friends with Serena. She had gone to Hoenn after travelling around Kalos with 3 friends. Bonnie, Clemont and... Ash Ketchum. "When is the plane leaving?"
"In around 3 hours, so we should leave in 30 minutes. I can't wait to go to Alola!," Bonnie said. It turned out that the young blonde girls name was Bonnie. They left to get to their flight, and flew to Alola. All of them had just wanted a break from everything, but little did they know Ash was in Alola. And little did Ash know that some old friends were going to bump into him.


It was the morning in Alola and Ash was still asleep. It was normal for him though, since it was a weekday. He eventually woke up at half 7 and got ready.
"Tuesday. They are usually alright, but can be boring," I thought outloud. "What are we doing Professor Kukui?"
"We are going to be learning about more regional differences. Recently a group of scientists have discovered some rare regional varients. Most of the time these Pokemon are in their original regions form, but in certain regions they can evovle into a rare version. It's actually really interesting,"
"Oh cool," I replied with. It actually was, but I think there was some annoyance in my voice.

We went to the school and started our lesson. We learned about some starter pokemin having a special regional differences in regions they aren't native to.
"Woah, this place is so cool!" I heard come from outside the school.
"Who is that?" Mallow asked. I got up and looked out the window. I saw a girl that looked 2 years younger then me. She had blonde hair and a Dedenne. Wait-
"Bonnie?" I shout out. Everyone in the classroom looked at me weird. The young girl looked up at me and immediately her eyes lit up.
"Ash! I didn't know you were here!" She cried back. So I guess it was Bonnie.
"Professer may I be excused?" I ask Kukui.
"Sure, be back soon though,"

I ran out the room down to the outside of the school. As soon as I got into view of Bonnie she ran up to me.
"Bonnie! What are you doing here?" I ask
"Me, Clement and Serena are here on vacation!" She fires back "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I kinda live here at the moment." I replied. Wait did she say Serena? Oh no, this is going to be bad. I don't want her to be sad that I don't like her in that way.
"I'm guessing you are thinking about that kiss, arent you? Don't worry, she isn't into you that much anymore. She still has feelings for you, but she doesn't want to ruin your friendship." Bonnie says. I immediately sigh.
"Thank Arceus. Can you meet me here in like 4 hours please? Just you alone. I have got to get back to class." I asked.
"Hmm? Sure. I am going to look around the rest of Mele Mele Island." She said. I quickly thanked her and ran back to class. I could see Kiawe was shooting me weird glances. I wonder why.

Once school was over I rushed out the classroom and saw Bonnie at the gate thingy. "Bonnie!" I shout, I continue to run for a few seconds.
"Hey Ash!" I turn around and say bye to my friends and still see Kiawe shooting me weird glances.
"How have yoy guys been?" I asked.
"Well, Clemont started to win more gym battles, Serena has returned to Kalos and won her first competition. Then theres me, I became a trainer!"
"Oh cool! I saw dedenne earlier, but who else have you caught?" I asked. She pulled out two pokeballs. She threw them up and put came two Pokemon.
"I caught a Litleo, and an Espurr!" She said. They are two weird Pokemon to have in addition to Dedenne.
"Woah, cool. Did you know that there are dedenne in Alola!"
"Really?" She said. "Did you hear that Dedenne?"

We walked towards my house and I noticed Clemont and Serena on the beach. "Dammit" I muttered.
"What?" Bonnie asked.
"Those two are on the beach, I don't want to talk to them yet, I bet they are mad that I haven't talked to them in a while."
"What?!?!" She cried. I immediately grabbed Bonnie and pulled her behind a bush "Sorry, I forgot,"
"Yeah, well I bet they heard y-"
"Bonnie?" I heard a Male voice shout. "Huh, must of been someone else."
"That was close," she said.
We continued to walk to my house.
"Ash? Who's this?" I heard a voice say from behind me.
"Oh, hey Lillie. This is Bonnie from Kalos!" I said. "Her Brother and another old friend are here aswell but I haven't gotten round to talking to them," I said.
"Nice to meet you Bonnie!" Lillie said. They talked for a bit then Lillie had to leave.
"So... are you two dating?" Bonnie asked me.
"What! No!" I suddenly said.
"Are you dating anyone?" She asked.
"No I am not," I said. We went inside the house in silence.

1023 Words

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now