Part 12 - The plan has happened!

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I followed him and I made us some food. I placed it down in front of him. I grabbed some cutlery and placed them in front of him. We ate and talked about some stupid things.
"Right, I'm going to look for Charizard now," He said.
"Do you need help?" I asked
"I will be fine, thanks though,"
"No problem. I think I need to do something today as well."

He left. I woke up Pikachu and set off to Mallows restaurant.

Ash —> Mallow

hey mallow you free today?



oh i just wanna hang out

Oh ok

I'm finished in like ten

Be here at the restaurant asap


I got to the restaurant pretty quickly and waited outside the shop. She left about a minute after I arrived.
"Hey!" I called out
"Oh hey Ash," She said. "What do you wanna do?"
"Hmmm, I haven't thought about that. Malasadas?"

We walked over to the new malasada shop which at this point wasn't actually new.
"The first time I went here was with Kiawe," I muttered.
"Ooooooh~" She said.
"Shut it, lets just get out malasadas and leave," I said. "Oh, sorry if that sounded harsh it wasn't meant to,"
"Oh it's fine, don't worry about it,"

We walked in and ordered them. We sat in the seats that I sat in with Kiawe. I wish I could consider that day as a date. It felt like one. We held hands.
"Enjoy~" The lady said. It was the same one as the last time.
"Thanks," Mallow said.

"Hey Mallow?" I asked.
"What's up?"
"Just wondering, what would be your perfect date?" I asked.
"Well, I'm not sure. It might be a nice day on the beach with some good food, but it might just be a movie night in when it's raining. I guess both. Why?"
"Oh, like I said just wondering." I pulled out my phone and wrote it down. We had a nice day just talking. I left and immediately called Lillie.

"Hey Lillie, I have some information!" I said.
"Really? What is it?"
"Well she said either a nice romantic meal on the beach or a movie night in when it's raining," I said.
"Well, it's raining tomorrow night, actually it's a thunderstorm," She said.
"Well should you invite her over?" I asked. "I can buy some things now, I have money on me,"
"Sure! Just some popcorn will do,"
"Right. I will bring them to you before Mallow gets there tomorrow. See you!"

Lillie —> Mallow


What's up?

Wanna come round tomorrow night and watch some movies?

Sure! I will come before it's scheduled to rain, is that ok?

Yeah! Also I have some popcorn so don't worry about bringing some!


I walked home with a bag of popcorn in hand. I was excited for their little date. I was nearly back to Kukui's house when I saw Kiawe at the door.
"Kiawe what's wrong?"
"Oh, I was wondering if I could sleep here again. I haven't found Charizard yet."
"Sure, but I'm helping you look. Where did it go missing?"
"Well, it was outside of Lillie's house the last time I saw it."
"Remember when we ran from Mallow and Lillie?"
"I went to the right and didn't see it. And that was like an hour before I left,"
"Well, it was on the left so,"
"Well that gives us no clue,"
I went inside, dropped off the popcorn and grabbed Kiawe's arm. Not the one that was injured though. I pulled him into the forest and ran towards the 'teachers' house.
"Hey, have you seen a Charizard?" I asked.
"It has a band on it's upper arm that has a mega stone!" Kiawe chipped in. It pointed towards a ravine.
"Thanks!" I shouted. I jumped down and so did Kiawe. We ran towards the ravine and saw it. It was stuck between two rocks and couldn't move.
"Return it!"
"Charizard, return!" A red beam hit the dragon and Charizard was sucked into the pokeball. Kiawe threw the pokeball and out came Charizard.
"Charizard!" He cried. He ran up to the dragon and hugged it. "I'm so glad we found you!" They hugged for a few minutes. Kiawe pulled away from it and returned it. He then ran and dived on me. He hugged me tightly.
"C-can't breathe!" I said. He loosened his hug slightly.
"I'm so glad you helped!"
"No problem! I'm glad I could help!"
We continued to hug for what felt like an hour. We got up after a while and just stood there. He was staring at the pokeball and I was staring at him. He looked so attractive.

His eyes started to tear up. I immediately pulled him into a tight embrace. He started to sob. I didn't know what to say. I guess he was just so scared for Charizard. I understand. Once he stopped crying I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the forest. I ran to a spot near a river. I sat down and he sat down next to me.
"This place has calmed me down before." I said. "I haven't showed anyone this place yet."
He sat there for a few seconds.
"I can understand why," He eventually said. "Thanks for today,"
"Helping a friend out," I said. "Although I wouldn't mind being more then that" I said quietly.
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing," My face had heated up at the thought. I know he likes me, so why don't I have the confidence to ask him out? Or kiss him or something!
"You know what? Fuck it!" I said.

"Wha-" His words were cut off by my lips being pressed on his. I put my arms around his neck and flung myself into him. I slightly bit his bottom lip, and he slightly opened his mouth. I took this as an opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth. At first he was trying to take control, but he gave up after a while. I took full control of the kiss, running my hands through his hair. I pulled away to let us catch our breath.

1041 words

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now