Part 3

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Kukui told us our assignment, to go into the forest and observe some pokemon. We decided to go into pairs for this. Me and Mallow, Kiawe and Lillie, Lana and Sophocles. Mallow and I ran into the forest first. I could see that Mallow was excited.

We got to a river and decided to set up there for a bit. I let out rowlet and lycanrock. We had a few peaceful moments before Lycanrock ran off. We chased after him and saw him in the place we found the yellow nectar for Mallows recipe.

Lycanrock called over pikachu and they started to.... communicate? What were they doing. I looked over at Mallow and she was as condused as me. I turned back.
"What?" I shouted. "What's happening?"
"Pika... pikachu!" Pikachu said. Lycanrock backed away. I noticed that the ground was shaking.
"Ash?" Mallow said. "What on earth is happening?"
"I dont know..." I mumbled "Pikachu? You good?"
Straight away Pikachu ran out of the area. I ran towards him.
"Ash!" Mallow cried out. She ran after me. Shortly after Mallow ran after me Kiawe and Lillie ran after us. They had over heard Mallow shouting my name.

I got to where Pikachu had ran to. He nearly fell off of a ledge. It lead down to more forest. Pikachu was standing there. He turned around to face me. He then was knocked off the ledge by some move. I immediately ran and tried to catch Pikachu. I ended up off the ledge with Pikachu in my arms. I could hear Kiawe, Lillie and Mallow calling my name.

"Charizard! Help us out!" Kiawe said. He threw a pokeball down and out came Charizard. He climbed onto Charizard and flew him down. He flew underneath me and held out his arms. I fell into his arms, still holding on tightly to pikachu. "Hey Ash," he said.
"Oh, hey. I uh I honestly thought I was a goner," I said. He slightly blushed. Thats when I realised i was in his arms. "Uh I,"
"Charizard, take us back," He said.

We landed back where Mallow and Lillie were and I hopped out of Kiawes arms. "Hmm, where did that pokemon go?" I asked
"What do you mean Ash?" Mallow asked
"I saw some move hit Pikachu off, I presume it was a pokemon. Speaking of Pikachu, how you doing bud?"
"Pi... ka...," he muttered.
"We should get you to pokemon centre. Lets go guys.
"Ash, come with me, Lillie and Mallow go tell Kukui where we are going." Kiawe said.
"Right!" We said in unison.

We got to the Pokemon centre and told the story. Excluding the part where I was in Kiawes arms. It's kinda obvious why. Pikachu was taken in and healed up. He didn't need it as much as other times, but better to be safe. Once we arrived back to the school the only ones that actually did the assignment were Sophocles and Lana. But then again, we had a fair excuse

I wonder why Kiawe and Mallow were right behind us. And why he held out his arms for me to land in. Weird if I say so myself.
'Not a care in the world, eh Ash?' His words kept ringing in my head. I care about things! Like... like....
"Ash?" I heard.
"Hmm?" I replied with
"That's the second time i have caught you zoning out this month. You good?" Kiawe asked.
"Yeah I'm good. Just thinking about some things,"
"You. Thinking?" He said. "Huh, must be something to get you thinking,"
"Yeah!" Lana chipped in. "Bet you're glad you are doing this during lunch"
"Yeah, I guess" I muttered. I could see all of them looking at me weird. But, I guess thats what I get for zoning out. I dont know why I am though.
"Hey Ash?" Kiawe asked.
"What's up?" I simply replied with.
"What are those z's on your cheeks?"
"I'm not sure honestly. I haven't bothered to ask my mom." I said.

The rest of the day I was focused. I still don't know why I had zoned out, but it happened, that's that. I returned home at the end and flopped on my bed. It was monday and I was already bored.
"Pikachu? Wanna train?"

715 Words

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now