Part 10 - Under the Mistletoe... Twice?

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I hadn't actually fallen asleep though. Once Kiawe thought I was asleep, he kissed my head.
"I love you Ash. You probably won't ever know, but I do," And then he knocked out. He really does like me and I like him. That's it. I love him. That's what it is.

Flashback to just before the Alolan class went to Kanto

"Hey Professor?" I asked.
"What's up?"
"What does love actually mean?" I asked. His look went from happy to concerned.
"Come and sit," he said. I sat next to him. "Love is something you feel in multiple ways, it can be the love you feel towards your family, such as your parents. Or it could be the love you feel for your friends. They feel like family, and they are in a way,"
"And then there is the love you feel for a special someone. Traditionally you love this person and only this person. You can still love your friends and family, but this type of love is something else. You want to be with them more then others. And sometimes this can be instant, like someone does something amazing for you, and you love them for that, or it could come around," He explained. "Like let's take this scenario, you have a friend. And you have been friends for a long time. Then one day you feel differently about them. It starts as something in your chest. Your heart flutters and you have butterflies in your stomach when you are with them. But this might not be how you feel. It changes from person to person."
"How do you know it you want to be with someone forever?"
"Well, that depends. You just want to. There really is no explaining. It's like they are the one for you and nobody else is. But there are open relationships, where you love that person but you can go and have other relationships with other people at the same time. Many people don't really like them though, and I understand why,"
"Have you ever been in a relationship before?"
"Yes I have. Many. But they ended because we had different goals in life. Sometimes even if you do have different goals you can help each other, but with mine we couldn't be in a relationship at the same time. I am still friends with some of them,"
"Thank you,"
"It's alright,"

End of flashback

In the morning Gladion looked in my room. He couldn't see me in there and he knew none of us guys were up. He walked over and knocked on Lillie's door.
"Lillie, I can't find Ash," He said
"Follow me!" She exclaimed she skipped over to Kiawe's room and opened it. They both popped their heads in. "Aww, that's cute!" She saw Me and Kiawe in bed together, him hugging me. "Lets go."

I woke up and realised where I was. My face went red immediately.
"Ahh!" I shouted. I woke up Kiawe,
"Wha- Ash!" He exclaimed. "I forgot you were here,"
"Heh, same." I couldn't remember what happened last night. I just remember climbing into his bed.
"Let's get up, I bet everyone is wondering where we are," I said. I got up, went into my room and changed into warm clothes. I grabbed the presents and put them into my bag. I went downstairs.
"Hey guys," I muttered
"Took you long enough," Bonnie said. I looked around and Gladion and Lillie were smirking at me. Did they see us?
"Yeah yeah. Where is Kiawe?"
"Right here," He came into the room with presents.
"Let's share them!" Lillie shouted. I got everyone a plushie of one of there Pokemon. A Turtonator one for Kiawe, Alolan Vulpix for Lillie, Sylveon for Serena, Umbreon for Gladion, Togedemaru for Sophocles, Eevee for Lana, Dedenne for Bonnie, Chespin for Clement, Tsareena for Mallow and an Alolan Riachu for Hau. They all looked really happy with them, and I'm glad. Kiawe got me a pikachu plushie, and I got lots of other things. Lillie and Mallow has gone into the kitchen with Hobbes to start cooking food. The day was fun, and everyone had enjoyed their presents. We had dinner.

I saw Lillie and Bonnie giggling, and all I was doing was talking to Kiawe. Lillie called over Gladion and whispered in his ear. He said something back, grabbed something from Lillie's hand and walked over to us. I didn't realise until it was too late what this was. He held his hand above us and let the thing dangle. We both looked up.

"Nope!" We both said in unison
"It's the rules. I didn't make them,"
"I'm not kissing him!" We once again said in unison. At this point we both were red and everyone was looking at us. Lillie crept up behind Kiawe, but neither of us noticed. I don't think anyone did. Lillie pushed Kiawe and I caught him. The thing is... our lips were pressed together. We both froze, and I think all the girls were fan-girling.

The kiss lasted about fifteen seconds, until he eventually pulled away. We were both a deep red. I grabbed the mistletoe. I ran over to where Lillie and Mallow were standing and held it over them. They both froze. "Payback," I muttered under my breath. Kiawe walked up to them and pushed them together. Their lips pressed together. I knew they liked each other.

"Ash!?" Lillie shouted angrily. They had been kissing for around the same amount of time as me and Kiawe had. I ran outside, and Kiawe ran to his room. Lillie chased after me and Mallow went after Kiawe. I ran around a corner and hid there. Once she came running around I dived into her.
"Thanks," we both said.
"No problem," I said. "I could clearly see you liked each other. So when you made us kiss I knew what I had to do,"
"I saw you two earlier," She said.
"You did?!" I shouted. I tried to sound dumb.
"Mhm, but Gladion was the one who suspected something,"

With Mallow

I can't believe those two! I'm happy but I don't want Lillie to be mad at me... Right, now to kick open his door. I kicked open his door and saw him on his bed, fully red. I'm sure I looked just as bad, but still.
"Have mercy!" He said
"Thanks, come out Tsareena!"
"Double slap!" I pointed to Kiawe.
"No!" He shouted. "Wait.. did you just say thanks?"
"Yup..." I muttered. He got slapped. Five times. I laughed.
"It's what you get."

1101 words

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now