Part 7 - Hand Holding and A Nightmare

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I looked over at Kiawe and saw he was smiling. He was clearly enjoying this. Fair enough though. Still. Is this a Date?
"Right, so what do you want to do next?" He asked
"Well, it's up to you, really" I replied. "I have no other needs,"
"Well, wanna get some malasadas?" He asked. My eyes lit up.

We walked over to the new malasada shop, it had just been constructed recently.
"Hey~ What would you boys like?" The lady working at the counter asked.
"Three sweet malasadas please!" I exclaimed
"Of course," She said.
We walked over to one of the big windows and sat at the table. I looked out at the sea that it was overlooking.
"Wow," Kiawe said. "This is beautiful,"
"Yeah, it truly is,"

"Hey! Here are your three malasadas!" The lady said. "Enjoy~" She winked at me. My face immediately turned red. "Than- Ash?" Kiawe asked.
"I'm fine," I simply replied with.

I dig into my malasada, and so did Pikachu. I saw Kiawe pulling his apart.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"Hey, isn't it the holiday season soon?" He says.
"I think..." I say. "Well, should we plan something with everyone?"
"Sure..." I could see he didn't want to be with everyone.
"Y'know what?" I asked.
"Once today's over wanna sleep over at mine tonight?" I asked. I could see his eyes slightly light up, and a blush creep onto his face.
"S-sure!" He said.
We finished of our malasadas and set off. I payed for it.

"Right." I said. "Where to next?"
"Wanna go to the beach?" He asked. I think he has gotten over the whole drowning thing.
We walked down to the beach. It was getting night, and since the days had been getting shorter every single day it was only 5 at night. We sat on the sand.

We sat next to each other, closer then we probably should've, and watched the sun go beneath the horizon. I subconsciously grabbed his had and intertwined our fingers. I don't know why I did this. I just did. And I liked it.

Was this really a date? It felt like one. And I wouldn't even mind if he considered it as one.

"Hey Ash?" Kiawe asked.
"Let's go back to yours now!"
"Ok," We got up, and I didn't even notice but when we were walking to my home but we still had our hands locked. "Come on!" I shout. I run still holding Kiawe's hand.
"Wait!" He shouts, still running. We laugh. I pull him up the slopes that lead up to Kukui's house.
"Hey!" I call out. "Is it alright if Kiawe stays tonight?"
"Sure Ash! Hey Kiawe!" Kukui says
"Hey!" He says. We go up to the loft.
"Hey, you don't mind if we sleep on the same bed again?" I ask
"That's fine,"

We have a nice night just practicing moves outside. It gets to be ten PM.
"Hey, lets go back inside now Ash," Kiawe says.

We climb back up into the loft and I dose off to sleep.

Kiawe's POV

I lay wide awake on ash's bed. Why did he hold my hand. I enjoyed it so much, but that doesn't explain why he did. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did, but he probably didn't, it was probably an accident.

I open my eyes and face Ash. He looks distraught. Suddenly he grabs my shirt. I had decided to wear the same clothes I had been wearing all day to bed. He tried to pull me closer but he was to weak. I decide to pull him in into an embrace.

My face grows red suddenly. I just realised what I did. But he is so warm, and he looks slightly comforted by this.

Ash's POV

I wake up, once again with Kiawe next to me. I clamber down the ladder and pull out the pokeball for Lycanroc. I didn't want to wake anyone. I step outside and shut the door behind me. I go down to the beach. I decided to go a different route then last time. I see Charizard.

I throw down the Pokeball.
"You ready?"
"Lyc, Lycan,"
"Use stone edge!"
Lycanroc did that. We continued to battle Charizard until it fainted. I tried to pull in Lycanroc but I couldn't move. I then felt a massive warmth come over me. I hear a crash and I turn around. I can't see what it is before I get knocked out.

I wake up on the beach once again, but this time something is different. It's almost like something was squeezing the world. The ground had weird ridges and it was really hot.

I once again fall asleep this time I'm in my room. I'm on my bed and I'm wrapped in someone's arms. I look up and realise it's Kiawe. I silently freak out but then I feel really calm. Was it him? I was really warm but I'm not sure if it was him or my face. I close my arms and melt in his embrace. I fall asleep.

I once again wake up and the morning light is hitting my eyes. I open my eyes and see that Kiawe is still asleep. My heart was racing as he was still hugging me.

"Hey, Kiawe," I said. He slowly opened his eyes. "Morning! It's Thursday and we have the day off again. I'm pretty sure we have the rest of the week off,"
"O-oh hey," he said. His face immediately went red. I'm pretty sure we both were red. "Erm," He quickly got off of me.
Without thinking I said "You know we can continue this, right. It's fine with me." We both went really red.
"I- uh you sure," He said.
"Mhm," I closed my eyes. He got back into the position he was in originally and he brought me closer. He pulled me into a tight and warm embrace. I rested my head against his chest. We both drifted off to sleep.

We woke up at lunch, and we were still hugging. He got off of me and got changed. I got up and also got changed. I had allowed him to wear one of my hoodies. I was told it can sometimes get cold in Alola around mid November. I had checked the weather for today and decided it was sweater weather. ;)

We got downstairs and Kukui was looking at us with a weirdly happy look on his face. Had he seen us this morning? Last night? Honestly I don't care.

"Hey, Kiawe?" I asked. He looked up at me with a constant blush.
"What's up Ash?" He says.
"When do you think we should start making holiday preparations?"
"Well, I think we should probably make a group chat for it," He mutters. "Are your Kalos friends going to be there?"
"I'm not sure. I already have something for them just in case they aren't going to be here. It's highly likely,"

I called Clement and asked the Kalos gang to meet me on the beach. They agreed. I put their presents in my backpack.
"Hey, what's up Ash?" Serena asks. She always sounds so considerate.
"I got you guys Arceusmas (IDK I JUST MADE THAT UP LMAO I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANYONE CALL IT THAT) presents for you guys," I say.
"Well, we cant take them." Bonnie days. Wait... WHAT?
"Wha- why?"
"We are leaving tomorrow, but we already decided that we are coming back for the Holidays, it will only be a week though," Bonnie said. Serena and Clement nodded in agreement.
"Really!" I shout. "I'm so happy! Wait, I was going to make a group chat for some preparations for it, do you want to join it?"
"Sure," Bonnie said.

Words 1307 W/O AN


Hey! So I really enjoyed making this chapter! I don't know if this was the definition of fluff, but if it was let me know! I hope you guys are alright with the next chapter having a bit of texting st the start. It is going to set up the next few chapters :). The book at the time of writing this is at 8 reads all together! Thanks :)

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now