Part 13 - Official?

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I took in a few breaths.
"A-Ash I-"
"Don't worry," I said. I placed my lips on his for a few seconds.
"How- how long have you liked me?"
"Ever since that date, that wasn't actually a date but we held hands and it felt like one," I said.
"R..really?" He asked. "You've liked me for that long?"
"Well, I felt something for you but only until like two weeks ago I actually liked you,"
"Wow," He said. "I- I don't know what to say,"
"Well I do. Do- do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.
"Yes!" He said. I dived on him and hugged him.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. We walked back to Kukui's house, holding hands. I saw Burnet standing outside of the house, looking worried.
"What's wrong?" I asked. I ran towards her letting go of Kiawe's hand.
"Ku-Kukui has been Hospitalised," She said. I froze. What? Why? When?
"I..I what?" I managed to blurt out.
"Don't worry, it's just a broken arm," she said.
"Oh, thank Arceus. I was so scared,"
"Yeah. He will be out in a week,"
"Right," I muttered. I walked in the house and got a glass of water. "Hmm,"
"What's up?" Kiawe asked.
"I want to get something for Kukui," I said.
"Right," He said. I felt really awkward around him. Was it just because of the heated moment we had earlier? "I will help you if needed,"
"Thanks," I said. I gave him a quick smile and went to the loft. I got changed into some shorts and a pikachu hoodie. I climbed down into the main room and sat on the couch.

Kiawe sat next to me and put his arm around me. Burnet sat on the other side of me and turned on the tv. We watched this documentary talking about the bond fire types and electric types have. We would make little remarks every once in a while but other then that it was silent. By the end of the night I had fallen asleep in Kiawe's arm.

The next day I woke up in my bed. I couldn't see Kiawe at all.
"Kiawe?" I ask.
"What's up?" He replies. It turns out he was downstairs making some food. "If you're wondering it will be ready in a few minutes,"
"Okay," I said weakly.

I climbed down and Kiawe finished the meal. I started to eat but got full half way through the meal. I started to pick at it.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm not sure, I just stopped being hungry," I mumbled.
"Oh," He said. I tried to eat more but just felt sick.
I stood up,
"Thanks," I mumble. I walk over to the loft and lay down.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I not hungry?

I just lay there. Kiawe climbs up and lays behind me. He pulls me into a hug and I nuzzle into him. I end up sleeping for a few hours. I wake up and run to Lillie's.
"I'm late," I mumbled. I got there a few minutes late.
"Alola Ash!" Lillie says.
"Hi," I mumbled. I placed the popcorn in her hand.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing," I said. "Should I come in?"
"Depends if you wanna be here all night,"
"Sure," I said. I walked in and sat at the table in the dining room. It was right next to the living room. They watched movies all night and Mallow eventually left.
"So..?" I asked. I had been feeling better then earlier.
"It was great. We practically were cuddling the whole night! She's too cute,"
"Cool, well I'm going him now," I walked home and climbed into my bed. I fell asleep.

I woke up to Kiawe and Burnet speaking.
"What's wrong with him?" Burner asked.
"I'm not sure. He has slept all day and only ate half of his breakfast,"
"Oh. That is weird." She said. "Do you think it's to do with Kukui?"
"Possibly," Kiawe said. "Would he really be that affected? It's only a week,"

I got up and sat at the top of the ladder.
"Hey," I mumbled.
"Hey!" Kiawe said. His positivity was contagious and made me smile slightly "How you doing?"
"I'm alright," I said.

This went on for the week that Kukui wasn't here. Kiawe would fly over at lunch and wake me. He would make me some food and give me a warm hug. He would leave and I would sleep.

When Kukui got back he would keep me up all day.

"Ash?" Kukui called out. I walked up to him and nodded. "You ready to go?"
"Mhm," I mumbled. It was the first day back after the Arceusmas holidays.
We walked to the school and he would talk and I would mumble words every once in a while. We got to the school and he went to the principle and I went to the classroom.
"Hey Ash!" Kiawe called out.
"Hey..." I said. I sat down in my seat and Pikachu ran to the small Pokemon. Kiawe walked up to me. He crouched down.
"Did you eat today?" He asked. I nodded slightly.
"Are you lying?" He asked.
"No," I said. He ruffled my hair and got up. He walked to his seat and sat down. The day was alright. We did some training and learnt about the Galar regions variants.

I was about to go home when the principal pulled me into his office.
"Hey Ash," He said.
"What's up?" I mumbled.
"I could ask you the same," He said. "You have barely been eating,"
"I don't know, there was no cause that I know of," I said. This was the longest thing I had said since Kukui had been hospitalised.
"Well, Kukui is concerned about you and I'm sure Kiawe is as well. Just try to eat enough please," Oak said.
"Will do," I mumbled. I walked out and home.
When I got in I ate a snack. I then stayed up to my normal time.
It's time to get my life in control.

1023 Words.


Hey, so the original draft of this was really bad so I rewrote it. I'm not the biggest fan of this one but the whole eating thing resembles me a few weeks ago. Anyway thanks for reading <3

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now