Part 11 - A plan and an injury

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I walked back into the building with Lillie next to me. She wasn't saying much but I presume it was because she was thinking of her kiss with Mallow. I'm glad I did that, and I bet they are as well. I'm also glad that I kissed Kiawe. It was nice. His lips were soft and warm. Mine were rough and dry.

It felt like they were made for each other. They fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. Just like our hands.

We got inside and saw Mallow talking with the girls and Kiawe talking with the guys. Kiawe had bruises on his face and all four of us were blushing. I walked over to the guys. I sat down, crossed my legs and looked down at my backpack. I had placed it in my lap. It had the things that I had been given by my friends in it. I dug around and got the thunderbolt neckless. It was a simple chain neckless but it had a thunderbolt charm on it. Lillie gave me this. I put this on and just stared at it.

I also got out the Pikachu plushie Kiawe had gotten me. It was about a foot tall, and was the same hight as the ones I had gotten everyone. I closed my backpack and slung it on my back. I placed the plushie in my lap. I looked at it. I could hear everyone talking but all I could focus on was this. Did he know that I was getting him a plushie, so he got me one? Or was this an accident?

"Ash?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Lillie.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Can you follow me please?"
"Sure, I will be back in a minute guys,"

I followed her until we got to her room.
"So, what's up?" I asked. She twiddled her thumbs for a few seconds.
"I want to ask Mallow out. But I don't know how. I was wondering if you could help me," She said. She tried to be confident but I could hear her anxiety.
"Well, I don't know how exactly, but I might do some investigating. I will ask her what her ideal date would be. But it might be eating at a restaurant or something, so I would need your help," I said.
"I'll help you the best I can. If it comes to cooking then I will help with that," She said. "Thank you," I stepped towards the door and opened it. Just before I left though,
"Oh, Lillie. Thanks for this, it looks great," I said. I then closed the door.

I walked downstairs and joined in the conversation the guys were having. It was about battles and techniques. I wasn't really paying attention though. I was just really tired. I wanted to go home as quick as possible. Wait did I just call that place home? I guess it is.

The time was about eight at night.
"Alright guys, I'm leaving. See you!" I call out. Everyone says bye, but Lillie has a sad look on her face. I wonder why.

Ash —> Lillie

whats wrong

dont worry i will ask her i was just too tired tonight

Oh that's it, I was worried you had forgotten, that's all.

dont worry im not that dumb haha

see you!

See you!

Glad she's alright. I didn't want her thinking I wasn't going to help her. She deserves it after what she has gone through. All her childhood trauma and it being practically revealed fully to me in just a few weeks.

I was walking home with pikachu in my arms. He was asleep and had been for a few minutes. I got into the house, locked the door and climbed up to the loft. I did this one handed, but it wasn't too hard. I placed Pikachu on the pillow he has taken a liking to and I got changed. I was in a tank top and some shorts.

I climbed down the ladder and filled up a glass with water. I took a sip of it and heard a knock on the door. Kukui and Burnet said they were staying at Aether Paradise tonight. I placed my glass down and unlocked the door and saw Kiawe. He was scruffy and had cuts on his arm. His sweater had a missing sleeve, which is why I could see his cuts.

"What the hell happened!" I barked.
"Well, Charizard disappeared and I tried to look for him. I fell in a ditch and cut my arm by accident,"
"Well, come in I can clean you up slightly,"
I took him inside and looked around for our first aid kit. I found it under the sink. I scribbled a note and put it on the table. I disinfected his cuts and cleaned his arm. I then bandaged his arm in the worse areas.
"There we go." I placed the kit next to the note that said 'used the kit for Kiawe need new one'

"Thanks," He said.
"Hey, do you wanna stay here tonight?" I asked.
"Oh, um sure!"
"Right," I said. I walked over to where my water was and downed it. "Do you want a glass of water?"
"Sure," He said. I walked over to the glasses and grabbed one. I filled it up with water and placed it in front of him. "Thanks,"
"No problem," I climbed up the ladder and sat on the edge. We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Right, I'm going to sleep now, come up when you want."
"Okay see you,"

I pulled the covers over my body and closed my eyes. I don't know how long I was trying to get to sleep but after what was probably ten minutes Kiawe climbed up the ladder and got into bed behind me. He then moved in closer and hugged me. He once again kissed me in my head.
"I love you Ash,"

I woke up the next day at nine. I was still in Kiawe's arms. I wanted to get up but wanted to be warm. I turned to look at him and he was still asleep. I moved backwards and got even closer. I closed my eyes and dozed off.

"Ash, wake up!" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Kiawe looking at me. He was sitting in my bed. I looked back at him. He smiled and climbed downstairs.

1085 Words


Hey! Sorry for no upload yesterday, I'm going to make another one. I also am currently starting a Gladion x Ash story, and I think it will have a good story. I already have got an idea for a chapter for it, but I am going to write the next chapter for this before I update my Gladiash story.

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now