Part 6 - Confrontations, Confessions and a... Date?

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The rest of the beach day was fun. Kiawe went into the water at the end, but was kinda freaked out. I've never seen him this scared before. Well, I guess if you almost drowned you would be scared.

Once Mallow and Lillie has left, I saw Bonnie drag Kiawe off to a little cave in the cliff. I followed them. I overheard their conversation.
"So... Kiawe. Do you like anyone?" Bonnie asked
"No?" What a random question.
"Not even Ash?" I felt my face warm up. Why would she think that?
"No!" He replied "Not in a million years!" For some reason my stomach sank. "Why would you think that?"
"Well, every time Lana pushes Ash on to you you blush."
"Embarrassment!" He shoots back.
"You apologise when this happens,"
"Seriously? He was being pushed on to me! Of course I would apologise!"
"Sure..." She said.

I ran from where I was listening in and they emerged. Kiawe was blushing. He went and sat down on the sand. Bonnie left and dragged the Kalos gang into that cave. I crept back to where I was before.

"I have a feeling Kiawe likes Ash,"
"What?!" Clement and Serena both shouted.
"Look, here me out but..." Bonnies voice trailed off.
"Hey Ash!" Lana shouted. "Come over here!" Kiawe looked over to where Lana was looking and his blush intensified. I think he realised I had been listening in to their conversation.

I walked over and was ready to be pushed over. I stood with Lana in front of me and Kiawe sitting behind me. He was a good three or four feet from me. She pressed her hands on my chest and I immediately positioned my feet in a boxing stance.
"Dammit!" Lana muttered. I pushed her over.
"Payback!" I shouted. I heard Kiawe laugh behind me. "You wanna be pushed over?" I said. I turned to face him.
"What?" He said
"I'm just messing with ya," I said.

The rest of the class left. Serena dragged me into the cave I had seen Bonnie drag Kiawe and the Kalos Gang in.
"Why are we here?" I asked.
"Just a question, do you like anyone?"
"No.. why," I tried to make myself sound dumb. I totally hadn't creeped on Bonnie asking Kiawe if he liked me.
"Oh, ok!" She said. She then ran back to Bonnie and Clement and told them something. I presume about that. I wonder why they care so much.

I got back home at five and I immediately flopped on my bed. I just wanted to think things through. Why does Bonnie think Kiawe likes me?
He was embarrassed and he apologised when I was pushed on to him. That's a good explanation.

"Ash! Dinners ready!" Kukui called out. I climbed down the stairs.
"Ash, slow down!" Rotom said
"Mmm no!" I said. I then practically inhaled the rest of my food.
"Well if you feel ill it's your fault!" He replied with.

Kiawe's POV

I laid down on my bed. I don't know what to think. Do I have feelings for Ash? Well, I'm straight so that's a no. Well, am I? You know what? I'm gonna consult Mallow.

Hey Mallow?

What's up?

I think I might like ash

You think I don't know that already?

Wait what?

I'm pretty sure all of us but ash knows that

It is kinda obvious

Anyways all of us are fine with it, well if ash doesn't like you then lillie is gonna go for him

Oh, okay

Well see you!

Wait! Go to the school tomorrow!

Why? We have the day off

Just do!

And look nice


I wonder why I have to go to the school tomorrow...

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Ash's POV

I woke up early today. I got up, ate food then brushed my teeth. I put on some shorts and a shirt. I haven't worn these shorts since I have arrived. I then left the house with Pikachu on my shoulder. I walked down the road towards the Pokemon School. I don't know why but last night Mallow told me to go there, no reason. Just look nice. When don't I?

I arrived and saw someone in shorts and a grey top. He looked uncomfortable from where I was looking from, but who am I to know?
As I approached him I saw his hair. It was slightly unkept.
That's when I realised who it was. Kiawe? Why is he here?
"Hey," I say. He looked up and when he recognised me he blushed. "Why are you here?"
"Mallow told me to go here," He replied with
"Oh same. Maybe she wanted us to talk or something," I said. "I'm gonna text her real quick,"
I texted her and I presume he texted someone as well.
"Yeah, she meant for us to meet up," I said.
"Ok," He said. "Wanna go into town?"
"Sure!" I said. He was still on his phone.

Kiawe's POV

Mallow! What the hell!

What's up?

You know what!

Oh right! I wanted to set you up on a date!

Don't tell me you called it a date.

Don't worry, I only told him where to go and to dress nicely

He is literally in shorts and a white shirt

Bye! Have a fun day!

See you...

Ash's POV

Is this a date? Probably not right?
"So, where do you want to go first?" He asked. I don't know..
"Well, I needed to grab some Pokemon food, isn't that right bud?" I said
"Oh, I didn't even notice Pikachu was here," he said. He then preceded to chuckle. I have to say his laugh was pretty cute. He scratched Pikachu on the head and Pikachu enjoyed this.
I'm glad Pikachu likes Kiawe.

989 Words

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now