Part 5

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"So, that's a Z-ring?" Bonnie asked.
"Yup, it's really cool. You have to beat an island challenge to get one," I said.
"Aww.." she said.

"Hey Ash, I'm back!" Kukui said. "Oh, who's this?"
"This is Bonnie!"
"Hi! I'm from Kalos," Bonnie said.
"Well hey there! Nice to meet you! Im Prof. Kukui!"
"Well, I've got to go meet back up with Serena and Clemont now!" She said. "Don't worry, I won't mention I was with you. We are gonna be at the beach all day tomorrow, so if you want you can come by after school and meet up with us,"
"Ok!" I said. Bonnie got up and left.

"Hey Ash?" Kukui said. "Want to know what I have planned for tomorrow?"
"We were already going to the beach, so now you can meet up with your friends aswell!" He said. Great. I have to introduce everyone to each other. Ugh.
"Cool!" I tried to put enthusiasm in my voice.

The next day came and we were told to meet up at the beach. I got there at eight and looked around to see if I could see anyone. I saw Bonnie run down the beach and following behind her was Serena. Oh no. I might aswell call her over. "Hey! Bonnie, Serena!" I called out. They looked over and Bonnie had a slight worried look on her face. Serena on the over hand was excited.
"Ash!?" She shouted she ran over and hugged me. We both had our normal clothes on, we weren't in our swimsuits.
"Hey.. How have you been?" I asked. She got off me.
"I have been great. I didn't expect to see you here!" She replied. Bonnie had left, presumably to distract Clement.
"Yeah, well I sorta live here." I replied with. "I was with Bonnie yesterday, she saw the Pokemon school and I heard her voice from my classroom. I saw her and ran out. We talked for a few minutes then I had to go back to my class. We then hung out for a while."
"So it was Bonnie who we heard yesterday."
"Oh yeah,"
"Well, how have you been? Have you got a girlfriend?" She said. She clearly was over me, well I hope so. I am not interested in her. Or anyone.
"I have been great, and no I haven't,"

She left and met up with the other two. I left where we were talking and saw Kiawe and Mallow talking. I walked over to them and I saw Kiawes face. He looked slightly sad.
"Hey, Kiawe! Why do you look sad?" I called out.
"Hmm? Oh nothing, just thinking back to my granddad. It's nothing really," He said. I didn't believe him. Was it him seeing me with my old friends? I highly doubt it.

"Hey, Kiawe. Wanna do a race to that rock thing?" I asked
"Sure, but I bet I will beat you!" He called out. We swam towards it, and we were neck and neck. This time I wanted to beat him. I got to it just before him.
"Yes! I beat you!" I said. I turned to him and he was smiling. "Why are you smiling like that?"
"I am going to beat you back!" He said. We set off and it was really relaxing. I don't know why. I was rushing to get back but the water was a nice warm temperature. I got back to the shore and I looked back. I can't see him. What the hell?!
"Kiawe?" I called out. No reply. Lillie was on shore and was now worrying. I decided to go underneath the water and look for him. Lillie told Mallow that Kiawe had dissapeared from the water and they decided to check the land.

I got under and saw him being pulled down by a pokemon. He had already fallen unconscious. Without thinking I immediately swam and grabbed his arm. I pulled on him and the Pokemon let go of Kiawe. I pulled him up to the surface and layed him on the sand.
"Oh no! It looks like he isn't breathing properly!" Lillie said.
I got as close to his side as I could. I then pressed my head on his chest. His heart was still going, but not the best. Thank Arceus it was still going. I then listened to his breaths and they were Irregular that is probably why his heartbeat was weird.
"Here goes..." I said.

I then pinched his nose and pressed my lips onto his. I blew air into his mouth, lifted up my head, took in a deep breath and pressed my lips onto his again. I repeated this until he started to breathe properly.

"A..ash?" He said softly.
"Yeah?" I replied with. At this point the whole class had arrived and the Kalos gang was watching me aswell.
"What happened?" He asked
"Oh.. um some pokemon had pulled you underwater. I grabbed you and pulled you back up. You weren't breathing properly but your heart was still going. I did CPR on you but without the chest pumps, so just mouth to mouth." I said.
"Oh.. Thank you," He said, his voice still quiet. His face displayed a blush, and he then sat up and hugged me tightly.
"No problem,"

Kiawe decided to sit out the water activities we had planned. He got to talk with the Kalos gang, though. He learnt that I wasn't dating any of them, and he was a bit happier. I got to talk with Clement and the rest of the Kalos gang. Lana kept trying to push me towards Kiawe, and each time it succeded he would get flustered and apologise.

952 Words.

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now