Part 14 - Control

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The next week was spent trying to get my sleeping schedule corrected. It started by me waking up on time and falling asleep later.

Kiawe would check on me every morning in school and ask how I was doing.

The next week was also spent doing this. I got to the point where I could wake up at seven in the morning and stay up until six at night. My mood was increased slightly by the increasing days of summer. Alola was one of those weird tropical places that has a somewhat wet and cooler winter.

And now here I am. On the week to fix my eating schedule. I decided doing a workout with my Pokemon would help me get hungry.

Monday was not the best. I couldn't get up and when I did I wasn't hungry. I decided to go for a run with Lycanroc and Torracat.
This helped and I managed to eat half of my breakfast. I wasn't hungry at lunch so I had a breakfast bar.
I ran home and did some training with Kiawe and Pikachu. We continued for an hour until he had to leave.
I had my dinner and stayed up for a few hours. I walked outside and sat on the porch. I ended up falling asleep there, but it wasn't too bad.

"Ash?" Rotom called. "Where are you?"
"What's wrong Rotom?" Kukui asked. He had heard Rotom flying around and calling out for Ash.
"I can't find Ash!" He shouted.
Kukui walked out the house and saw Ash sleeping on the porch bench,
"Ash?" He asked.
I woke up and found myself outside.
"Why am I her- oh right I was out here last night," I mumbled.
"Why?" He asked.
"Well, I'm not sure,"
I walked inside, ate some breakfast and headed to school.


Oh wow! This is an old draft and it is

So I think I'm going to do a time skip :)

An Electric Flame. Kiawe x Ash (ZRingShipping)Where stories live. Discover now