Chapter 1

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AN: I love feedback, so feel free to comment!

"His Majesty, Maven of House Calore and House Merandus, King of Norta, Flame of the North!"

Maven holds my hand as we enter our box overlooking the arena. It was much larger than the one in the Stilts and even the Spiral Garden in the Hall of Sun; It easily sat a couple thousand people. 

The high houses were all there, along with the Silver Elite families of Archeon. They fill the stands, coloring the rows in black; the color of mourning. 

"Lady Mareena of House Titanos and House Nolle, Future Queen of Norta!"
I flinch at the title.

Future Queen.

I glance at Maven as we take our seats. He stares forward at the cameras broadcasting us on the screens with an unfeeling gaze. His father's medals glimmer on his chest and his father's crown rests on his black hair. I'm surprised there wasn't silver blood on it still.

The higher house's boxes were closest to ours. Samos, Iral, Haven, and of course, Merandus. Queen Elara sits with them, her face covered by a black mourning veil. Her head is turned toward me though, and I can only imagine the murderous expression she wears.

I lean into Maven as we sit down on the cushioned bench, trying to break away from her gaze.

Maven stands up and puts a hand in the air, somewhat silencing the enormous crowds of Silver spectators. His calm face is shown on the video screens around the arena.

"My citizens!" His voice echoes; he sounds like his father. "My people, my children!"

The crowds roar, but then die down again in an eerie silence. I watch him in horror.

"Some would call this a cruelty. My father's body is barely cold, his blood still stains the floor, and I have been forced to take his place, to begin my reign in such a violent shadow. We have not executed our own for 10 years, and it pains me to begin that awful tradition again. But for my father, for my crown, and for you, I must.

"I am young, but I am not weak. Such crimes, such evil, will be punished!"

The crowd roars and I furrow my eyebrows, clenching my painted white hands in my black silk and lace dress. Regret suddenly fills my chest. Would I really be able to stay with him? This lying murderer?

Maven's face shows the hint of a smirk on the video screens when the gates of the arena open. A single figure emerges from the darkness. Cal.

He wears what looks like a cheaper version of a training suit and he stands alone. The video screens change from Maven, to Cal, his face expressionless. His defeated, betrayed eyes no longer burning with the determination and courage and confidence of a prince.
The overwhelming feeling of guilt that fills my being almost makes me retch. Cal is going to die and I should be down there dying with him.

Maven stands over the railing of the box, leering at Cal, "Prince Tiberias VII, of House Calore and House Jacos, you are accused of the most violent and deplorable offense against the crown. Murder, and treason.

You killed the king, our father. You are a weak man, a traitor to your crown, to your blood, and to your colors."

The video screens switch to staticy camera footage. Footage taken only this morning. It shows Cal beheading his father, Elara screaming over the dead corpse, I stand in shock off to the side.
"You killed him! You killed our father!" Maven screams at Cal.

And the video ends, cutting off just before I yell at Cal to run.

The crowds of Silvers gasp, murmuring to one another. I notice Elara put a hand over her heart, but I can only imagine the wicked smile she wears underneath the black mourning veil.

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