Chapter 4

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The next week goes by disappointing and slow. Any gaps in my packed schedule are of course when Mare is busy. Her lessons and advanced protocol start early in the morning while my meetings go late into the night.

Courtesy of my mother, I assume.
Mare complains about the boring, tedious lessons given by Elara on regular occasion.

My favorite comment had been, "Does being Queen require acting like a bitch?"

I smile to myself at the memory.

"Is something, amusing, your Highness?" Volo Samos' cutting words wake me from my thoughts, though I recover quickly.

"Is this strategy any different from the others we have used? As in one that will actually give us an advantage over the Lakelanders?"

The council scrambles, though we all know the answer. I'm in awe at their stupidity and lack of wit. Had they never heard that question before?

"I know that my brother was more known for his passion in war tactics than I, but believe me when I say this won't work. Just keep the front strong until I say otherwise."

The generals look at each other in shock while the council glares at me. They can tell already that I'm different. That I'm stronger than my father.

I notice Volo and the Panther exchange looks.

The wolves will wait for you to slip, but the wise ones know that you won't.

My mother's words she had reassured me on my first day as King echo through my head. It seems she had been correct.

I close the meeting and glance around the table. I manage not to look at anyone till my mother locks eyes with me. Her face wears curiosity and I feel the familiar pull inside my head. I pry my eyes away from hers and bring my hand to my forehead.

Stay out.

If one could hiss inside their head, I just did.

I don't miss her smirk as I leave the meeting room and sentinels silently flank me as I quickly head to my chambers.


I stop in my tracks, my muscles freezing. Not from being controlled, but instinct. I slowly turn around, doing the thing she taught me best.

Even when you could scream, keep the stare.

"You're not supposed to call me that anymore, mother."

A wicked smile takes over her face. That one had always scared me, and she knew it.

"Ah yes, please forgive me, My King."

I lift my chin a bit as she closes the distance, trying to show I am not intimidated; even though I am.

I grit my teeth as I try to keep the walls in my head up.

Stay. Out.

She tuts, "Oh Mavey, what game are you playing?"

We glare at each other, mental battle raging, our identical blue eyes locked.

"No," is my only answer.

She smirks and I feel the prying stop. Did I just, win?

"From now on, I want to know before decisions are made, for example, that stunt you pulled back there."

I shake my head, "Mother, no."

"So now that you're the King, you think you can just, toss me aside, my son?" She asks as she prowls around me, each word cutting and sharp.

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