Chapter 3

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"As the new King of Norta, I think it is best I inform my citizens on the events of the past few days. My brother, the late Tiberias VII, murdered not only the father to myself and my brother, but the father of this nation, in cold blood."

I clench my jaw, trying not to glare at Elara for the speech she was forcing him to read.

"My father was weak, the Scarlet Guard had been attacking since dawn, and while dealing with this crisis, he was betrayed by those most close to him and like a coward, when the deed had been done, the prince ran."

I fight the urge to shake my head, how could he say that? I stand next to Elara, behind Maven. She wears the Calore house colors, and a solemn faraway expression on her face. She's quite the good actress.

"After the Prince's execution yesterday evening in the Bowl of Bones, I sent troops to the Scarlet Guard base Naercey."

Many of the crowd, including myself, gasp. He didn't tell me anything about…

"Our belief that radiation from centuries ago still plagued the land there was wrong and the Scarlet Guard had taken refuge there. Thanks to new technology though, our snapdragon jets were able to take down their base, and their rebellion. Their leader Farley has not been confirmed to be dead, but she stands alone."

Elara begins clapping and everyone else joins in until I'm the only one left. An elbow in the ribs wakes me from my shock and I too, applaud for the deaths of my friends.

"It saddens me to start my reign in such violence, so I am putting an end to the new Measures before they get a chance to start. My father was a wise and just king, but the Measures he put in place only give our Red brothers more reason to revolt. Because the Scarlet Guard is no longer a threat, the new curfew and lowered conscription age are hereby terminated. Any under age soldiers will be sent home and their families compensated. All extra security in Red villages will be removed."

Although I'm still in shock about the Scarlet Guard, I can't help but smile a bit. The horrible, oppressive new rules I had been forced to announce weren't even getting a chance to be carried out. Elara next to me, though, was doing her best not to scowl. This part had obviously been Maven's idea and not hers.

"I close on one last item of good news. My engagement to Lady Mareena Titanos was approved by the council last night, and we are to have a new queen within the next month."

More applause. Elara puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles, I feel shivers go down my spine, but I smile back anyway. I hope I don't look like I'm grimacing for the cameras.

I can't help but glance at house Samos, they wear black metal, in mourning for Ptolemus. Evangeline claps slowly for me and Maven, but the death glare she wears speaks of her true opinion of the engagement.

"I look forward to serving, not just ruling this kingdom in the years to come."

I feel the cameras click off and sentinels are immediately at my side, escorting me back into the palace with Maven and Elara.
I glance behind me and see why the sentinels acted so quickly. The people with the cameras and the other reporters bombard Maven and even me with questions. About the Measures, the wedding, Cal.

The sentinels slam shut the doors and the chaos is blocked out. Elara heaves a sigh and starts down the hallway with sentinels on her tail, not saying a word to either of us. 

Good riddance.

Maven and I stand in silence, the sentinels creating an ever present tension.

"You're dismissed," Maven orders, feeling it as well. 

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