Chapter 10

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We keep it a secret for a while, not wanting the court to find out just yet.

There were of course the exceptions, Maven told his mother, I wrote Gisa, Iris had it figured out by her next visit considering my mood swings and her intelligence.

Modifying my wardrobe was the best part. The tight, form fitting dresses became looser, waistlines higher, to hide the small bump observant people would start noticing soon.

Elara urges me to come to luncheon when I can, people are starting to talk of my absence. Not that I care.

Maven has been more cheerful than usual. Always talking about "when the baby comes."

His happiness and excitement help me stay positive, even through the nausea and worsening nightmares. They become more violent every night, while the nausea is slowly going away as I progress through my pregnancy. I don't retch every day anymore, but the dizziness I feel most of the time makes me feel like I could.

I spend most days in the Kings suite, having my reports brought in bed to avoid as much physical exertion as possible. Maven tries to visit me as often as he can between meetings and meals.

"Do you think it'll be a girl or a boy?" He asks me during one of his visits.

I shrug, "it's a fifty-fifty chance. Though girls are more tolerable than boys."

Maven smiles up at me, his head in my lap, "I agree."

Boy or girl, I hope they get his beautiful eyes.

We stay like that for a long time, just laying there enjoying the company. It's one of the things I love most about our relationship. We don't even have to say anything to become closer.

"Are you feeling any better today?" He asks, breaking a long silence.

I scoff, "No. Though, I'm not as worried about my health as I have been."

He raises his eyebrows in question.

"Gisa told mom about how awful I've been feeling and apparently she went through the same thing with me and my siblings. She was sick every day, even in the early stages. I guess it might just be a genetic thing."

Maven chuckles, "Or payback for putting your poor mother through hell."

I try to playfully smack his head for the comment but he jerks away, definitely used to it by now. He returns to my lap, the both of us laughing.

More silence. I can't help but notice him staring.

"You know I'm really in love with you, right?"

It's a question we ask each other often.
Instead of acknowledging the fluttery feeling he causes when he says something like that, I lean down and kiss him.

We break apart and he turns his head toward the roof of our canopy bed; his content smile remains.

I start stroking his hair, trying to tame the curls that appear when it's getting too long.

"We should tell the kingdom soon," he states.

I only sigh in response, hating that he's right about this. We had been putting it off for weeks, avoiding stress of the nosy court.

"I can do it if you want me to. You don't need to come if-"

"No." I cut him off, "this is something to be announced together."

* * *

The banquet hall is decorated silver and white, resembling the winter months. The high houses are all there, either seated or standing and mingling.

Maven and I enter and everyone stands, facing us in respect. I clutch his arm as he leads me to the royal table, trying to look regal and not sick or dizzy. We match tonight, the two of us clad in black and red.

We thankfully won't have to announce anything until after the feast, though people eye us curiously, wondering what could possibly be so important to bring us all here.

Sitting down is a relief, but I try not to show it. Maven is overly worried as it is. The nightmare last night was the worst I have ever had, causing me to be sick till morning. I still insisted on coming tonight, despite his best efforts.

The colorful nobles are cheery tonight, many of them getting drunk before they know what they're even celebrating.

Maven says that his father would celebrate everything as an excuse to get drunk. The court must have gotten so used to it, the six weeks in between the Winter Solstice and this seemed like forever for them.

When dessert is served, Maven stands up. Everyone quiets, waiting for him to speak.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. There has been a lot of talk of my Queen's absence lately, and I'm here to tell you why. The two of us are pleased to announce a royal baby. It will be born at Summerton in late June. Thank you."

He sits back down and the houses applaud us. After dinner, wellwishers swarm us, saying congratulations. I know very few of them actually mean it.

Inside, they despise the thought of another generation of ruling Calores.

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