Chapter 6.5

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Before you go any further, just know this chapter has explicit content and if you want to skip you wont be missing anything important

The door clicks shut and I feel Maven's touch heat up; I can't tell if it's the addition from his powers or if it's just him. His hands wander from my waist and up my back, his lips trailing from my jaw down to my collarbone in gentle but demanding kisses. I feel my breathing become more sporadic as he goes lower.

He stops once he gets to the neckline of my dress and I open my eyes. His fingers fiddle with the top button of my bodice and I don't have time to say anything before his lips meet mine again.

I move my hands from his head to his shoulders, feeling for the seam of the suit jacket. I begin tugging the white material down and he pulls his arms out. It's the first piece of clothing to fall to the ground, next are our shoes.

At some point, I nudge the crown off his head and he breaks away, panting as the metal clatters to the ground. We both glance at the crown for a moment until I take his face in my hands, steering his attention away. I let my hair down and remove my tiara, dropping it to the ground to make it even; none of that nonsense mattered right now.

I feel his hand graze my arm as our lips meet again, slower this time. Two more buttons are undone, I feel my off-the-shoulder sleeves loosen and begin to slip down.

Mavens lips never leave mine as he takes off his red tie and unbuttons his dress shirt. They join the pile on the floor.

I run my hands down his chest and feel him shudder beneath my touch. He finishes the buttons and I shiver at the exposure to the cool air as my dress falls to the ground.

Maven doesn't look, knowing me well enough to know that I wouldn't want him to. I undo his belt as he kisses my neck again, eventually removing his slacks.

We slowly move across the room, only breaking apart for a moment to remove our under garments before I lay myself on the bed.

Maven crawls over top of me, his hands on either side of my head to support himself. I feel the heat of his ability cover me in a comfortable warmth.

His face is blushed and whiter than usual and I can only imagine how I look considering the burning I feel in my cheeks.

"How was your day?" He asks, like he does every night.

I smile and take his face in my hands, pulling him down to my lips.

"Perfect," I whisper through his intoxicating kisses.

It's not like I imagined it would be. At first, the pain is unbearable, to the point where my vision swims and even slow movement causes searing pain.

Maven insists on stopping several times but for some reason I tell him no. Sometime near the end, the pain subsides, or I just go numb and I feel a blooming heat in the pit of my stomach.

Our breathing comes in short gasps as we reach our peaks close to the same time. Maven slumps on top of me, resting his head in the crook of my neck. He doesn't pull out for another few minutes, after we've both calmed down a bit; our heavy panting turning into deep breathing.

Maven gets up and flips off the lights before returning. I feel his arms wrap around me from behind and his soft breathing on the back of my neck.

"Are you asleep?" I ask.

He hums in response, barely awake.

"I love you. No one else can even compare to how much I love you."

I feel his arms tighten around me as he plants a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you too," he pauses for a few moments before adding, "you're my whole world."

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