Chapter 8

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When we got back home, Archeon was in celebration. Festivities on each block, filled with people. Citizens cheer as our transport passes.

They don't know the terms of the treaty, only that Maven has ended the war. Once they hear the details I'm sure there won't be celebrations any longer.

The trip to the Choke and back was long, taking a few days to drive across Norta, but it was worth it.

Maven is asked to address the kingdom before we get the chance to go inside. He goes over everything that was said at the Choke, and adds a few things that has to do with only Norta.

They are another subject I suggested Maven to address.

"-offered a safe place to learn and train their abilities at every royal residence in Norta. Summerton, Archeon, Delphi, Harbor Bay, and Corvium."

It's what I would have wished for if I had discovered my ability before I came to the Summerton palace. I can only hope it's what the other Newbloods want as well.

* * *

Winter at Archeon is bleak. The visitors from The Lakelands have stopped coming because of the harsh weather conditions and aren't scheduled till the spring.

Maven has been subjected to long council meetings that I am thankfully not required to attend. He comes out of them tired and irritable.
I find myself staring out the window of my office in the Queens suite, wishing for summer more often than not.

I long to see my family again. According to Gisa's letters, they are doing well. Bree, Tramy, Shade, and Kilorn are all living on their own now, but close. New jobs opened up in the Stilts, providing an income flow for all of them. Shade and Farley had been married and were expecting a baby in a few months, to my surprise.

It was a relief to know they were satisfied with the slow, but sure changes, rather than sparking up another rebellion. Dad and mom are healthy and more importantly, happy. Gisa says they miss me, but know I am most needed in Archeon at Maven's side.

"My Queen, House Eagrie sent me to deliver this," a maid sets something on my desk, waking me from my longing daze.

I smile before looking at what it is, "Thank you."

"Of course your Highness," she curtsies and closes the door behind her.

My smile lingers, happy that she spoke. Small things like that are what help me have confidence in the unpopular decisions Maven and I make. It shows that changes for Reds are happening, however small.

I pick up the papers the maid brought and look through them. I scoff and set the packet aside. I go back to my previous work; the Newbloods are more important than what color schemes and seating arrangements should be used at the next ball.

I enjoy the freedom I have of making my own schedule, it's a welcome sign that Elara controls my life less and less each day.

She has all but faded bitterly into the background. The court has their attention on the new rulers rather than her now, and I can't help but be a little jealous. Maven and I have talked about how we can't wait for the day we step down and our heir takes the throne. The day we've finally fixed the kingdom and we put it into the hands of a prince or princess we trust.

I laugh to myself as I leave the office for the night. It's been six months and I'm already burned out.

I keep telling myself that if I just hold out until Summerton, I'll be okay.
Julian's old study helps me through the dreary days. His notes and books always finding a way to make me smile. Lucas escorts me there today, and I choose a smaller book from the shelf, feeling too exhausted to brave one of the thicker ones.

It had no title and the whole thing was in Julian's writing. I read the first page after flipping through it.

The remnants of the diary Coriane kept before her death. It was found in the Queen's suite fireplace the day after her suicide. A maid was kind enough to bring the loose papers to me rather than burn the rest of it. I hope I put the entries I could decipher into the proper order.

I set the book down, wondering if I should continue. I flip to a random page, deciding it would be okay if I did.

The Calore's are children of fire, as strong and destructive as their flame. But Cal will not be like the others before. Fire can destroy, fire can kill, but it can also create.

Forest burned in the summer will be green in the spring, better, and stronger than before. Cal's flame will build, and bring roots from the ashes of war. The guns will quiet, the smoke will clear, and the soldiers, red and silver both, will come home. 100 years of war and my son will bring peace. He will not die of fighting, he will not. He will not.

I slam the diary shut, feeling sick. The guilt I feel about Cal's fate pressing on me harder than ever as I silently leave the study.

"That was quick-" Lucas begins teasing, but stops when he sees my expression. He clears his throat, recovering, "To the King's chambers?"

I take a shuddering breath, trying to regain control of my emotions, "No. I can't- I need to be alone."

Lucas nods and escorts me back to the Queen's suite.

I've only slept there once, months ago after an infuriating argument with Maven that left me so upset I couldn't imagine sleeping in the same bed, much less the same room as him.

"If you're so guilty then maybe you should have chosen him!" He had yelled at me before I slammed the door and left.

I ask for my dinner to be delivered here, rather than facing Maven and the court and finish reading reports about the Newbloods, most of them asking me to approve suggestions for the program. Ignoring the plans for the Winter Ball, I lay down in the unused bed, thinking about Coriane. 

If she loved Tibe and Cal so much, why did she kill herself?

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