A/N (addressing something)

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I never really thought I would have to say something like this to my viewers, but something happened and I guess now I do.

My work was plagiarized by another creator recently. I won't say names.

To anyone who thinks it's not that big of a deal, you're wrong, it is.

I don't care if it's even a sentence that was copied, it's still stealing someone else's work. In this case, it was about four or five paragraphs copied from me and when it wasn't identical to my own, it was the same scene and concept.

I know I seem angry right now, but deep down I'm a little bit heartbroken. I spent almost five months outlining, brainstorming, writing, editing, rewriting and completely slaving over this story that I've been wanting to write for two years. Just to have a creator with more views than I, claim a part of it as their own.

Guys, please don't do this. It really ruins someone's week. I've spent literally all day considering discontinuing my story in fear that someone might steal it.

It sucks

Please don't do this to me or to others. It's wrong.

Also, I'll report you ;)

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