Chapter 16

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Zelk's POV

Panic overwhelmed me the moment I heard the doorbell rang. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. At first I thought it was Mega, so I was searching everywhere for something that would hide the flower growing out of my eye. Everything was scattered on the floor, the room was messy-not like it wasn't before anyways... I couldn't find anything so I just covered my eye with some of my hair. But that didn't matter thought because lucky for me, it was just Darryl. Phew. Then again, it wasn't really that 'lucky' for me-in fact I was somewhat disappointed. It's like I just wanted to see Mega but at the same time I don't. I sighed.

After me and Zak agreed to tell Darryl about my disease, Darryl decided to come to visit me. I was standing up at the side of the room, doing nothing. Nothing but coughing and just thinking about life. Then I heard a knock. And another.
"Zelk?" I heard a soft voice called out.

I coughed again before allowing him to come in. I leaned against the wall as I heard the door creaked open slowly. The rose that was growing out of my right eye was still small but it was slowly growing bigger and bigger. It wasn't that bad...yet. My right eye sometimes hurts now and then. And that wasn't the worst part-the thorns of the flower hasn't even grown yet and I'm hoping it says that way.

Behind the door revealed a tall blonde-hair male with green emerald eyes, followed by a shorter male in a light-blue hoodie. I didn't know what else to say so I just looked down at my palms, that had dried up blood on them, as they approached me. I didn't know what Darryl would think or say after seeing me like this. He probably wouldn't even want to be my friend anymore. I sighed before looking away from them-trying to not let Darryl see my right eye.

"Zelk?" Darryl asked.

I was about to say something before I fell on the floor. I went into a fit of coughing. Roses. Blood. Thorns. Roses. Blood. Thorns.

"Holy muffin!" I heard Darryl yell out before both him and Zak rushed over to help me.
"I-m F-fine guys!" I said. Though, my voice was rasped and harsh.
"No you're not!" Zak said while him and Darryl helped me up from the ground.
"Thanks...I guess.." I muttered softly, teary-eyed.

I was still looking away from Darryl. Trying to avoid any eye-contact that might result in him seeing the rose in my eye. I coughed again. Petals slowly twirling and falling gracefully in the ground with the other petals. It was quiet for a moment. Neither Zak or Darryl spoke. I was still coughing during the silence of course...

"Zelk." Darryl said trying to make eye contact with me.
"What?" I asked, looking at him in the eye.

Darryl was quick to notice it. He pushed the hair that was covering my eye away to look behind it.

"Wait-Is that a rose in your-"

He was in shock. He looked at the small red rose peaking out of my right eye-examining it.

Oh shit. I wasn't supposed to do that. No, I can't believe I forgotten! I'm so stupid oh my god. I cringed at my stupidity and careless mistake. I wanted to slap and hit myself for being a complete idiot but I couldn't because they were watching me. I was about to cough again but I forced the roses and thorns down. I didn't even know why I did that. Whats wrong with me god dammit-

The thorns clawed my throat as it slowly sunk downwards. I could feel and taste the blood. My eyes teared-up even more but I quickly wiped the tears away with my hands. Zak has been awfully silent right now. I looked up at Zak. He looked like he had been crying over something earlier. His eyes were puffy and his face was creased.

Eventually, Darryl said "Zak. This disease are at its final stages you know that right"?"
"Yeah...And I don't know what to do!" Zak yelled in frustration and...sorrow...?

Darryl went to comfort the short boy. He was rubbing his fingers through Zak's hair when he said, "Zelk you need to confess soon ASAP!"

"I-" I said before coughing out blood again.
Darryl was worried. Zak was worried too. I guess I'll have to...

"F-fine. Tomorrow I'll do it" I mumbled sadly.
"Perfect! Now I'm gonna start a bath for you" Darryl said before heading towards the bathroom..

I was confused. We looked at each other, clearly confused by what Darryl had just said.
"Did you guys not know about this?" Darryl asked.

Both of us shook our heads. He sighed.

"You muffins! A warm bath helps slows down the Hanahaki process!"

"Oh." Zak and I said at the same time, feeling like the biggest idiots in the world. (5ky3ha1 yes this sounds better)

I coughed again as he left towards the bathroom with Zak. I actually feel kinda stupid right now for not knowing about that- And how did Darryl know about this in the first place anyways? I was thinking about that when I heard a notification coming from my phone. I slide through my pocket and reached for it. Then I opened the notification to find out that it was from Mega.

Hey Zelk I'm arriving in an hour!
Read 11:00pm

Okay cool! 💖
Sent 11:01pm

Woah. What's with the heart🤨
Read 11:03pm

"Shit-" I muttered, before throwing up more rose petals, "why did I send that-"
"Ugh Zelk you're an idiot" I told myself while hitting my head against the wall. I repeatedly did that several times before looking at my phone again.

Why you left me on read just now :(
Read 11:06pm

Oops sorry Mega~
And I didn't sent that heart on purpose!
Sent 11:07pm

I decided to read Mega's messages again, when something-or some work caught my attention. "Wait what?-" "Zelkie?" I asked in my head.

My whole face went red when I saw he typed that.

Did Mega call me Zelkie before-? My heart was racing.
"How did I not realised this-" I muttered "Is that my nickname for Mega?"
My cheeks were still as red as the rose petals I coughed out earlier.

I was still blushing and thinking about that word when all of a sudden, I felt something sharp poked through the skin on my left wrist. The pain was unbearable. It felt like thousands of poison arrows shooting at you. It hurt so much. I grabbed my left wrist in pain. And then;

Everything went dark


Author's Notes:
-totally did not forget to update this because I wasted two hours of my life trying to make a Minecraft animation for my friends LMAO.
-hope you guys enjoYyyYyYy anywAys

Written: 22/06/2020 (FoodAU checked da date and I wrote 2029 instead so thx for telling me)
Edited: 22/06/2020
Edited 2: 23/06/2020
Rewrite: 05/07/2020

"Among Roses" -A ZelkPvP Story- (Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now