Chapter 18

615 44 64

Mega's POV


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I wake up faster than a cat in ice-water, every sense urging me to claw my way to standing. Drowsiness get's folks dead, fast. Only the paranoid survive. My heart was pounding. My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up.

After I've calmed down, I squirmed as I looked down at my hands and recalled what had just happened. Luckily for me though, the taxi driver was too busy to notice me. Plus, the radio was too loud so he couldn't hear my heavy breaths. I sighed.

"What the hell was that-" I said in my head, "Blood? Roses? Thorns?"

I looked out of the window again. We were still on the straight road-except this time, there were all sort of houses that passed us as the taxi moved. Meanwhile, I was rethinking back about what had happened just now. How I saw random but blurry flashes of roses, blood, thorns and what seemed like...- Zewlk? I was confused. "Roses, Blood, Thorns?" The only thing I knew is that blood, roses and thorns sounded like that one disease I've heard about in the news once.

"What was it again?" I asked in my head, "Hanakahi disease?"
"Wait no- Hanahaki Disease"



I sighed. It took around 2 hours to get to Zelk's house, but the journey felt like a eternity. I just wanted to relax, lay down in peace-have nothing bad happening. With Zelkie by my side...wait what?-

I shook my head to clear those thoughts. "Zelkie?" But they just couldn't get out of my head. Those words floated around in my head. "Do I like Zelk?" I asked myself. My head clogged with thoughts and questions.

"No- I'm not gay"
"I t-think"
"I don't have a crush anyways..."

'Crush' was such an infantile word, one must have been invented by older folks, the ones with an interest in belittling young love. I hated it. I just hate that feeling of falling in love. It was just so unpredictable and crazy. But-there is something in the way Zelk laughs that reminds me of my better self. And that scared me. "How can one make someone, who hates being in love, feel like this?"

He just doesn't laugh like a man, he giggles like a boy and I loved that about him. It was like listening to his inner child breaking out. Imagining him made my heart twirl. I felt my cheeks heat up  as I gazed through the window and at the sky. The stars shimmered and shined so brightly in the twilight sky. It was beautiful-but all I could think about is having Zelk by my side.

"How is this even happening-" I thought, unsure whether to be frightened or relieved.

I used to always be cold-hearted and angry all the time before I met Zelk. How we went from strangers to staff members to best friends. And now, he can never leave my mind, he's always there. This feeling towards him-I just can't explain.

"N-No-I have never ever fallen for someone in my life"
"-And I never fucking will!"

"I-I refused to believe that I have fallen for a playful idot like Zelk!"

Author's Notes
-Imagine that John Cena Clip that Zelk uses for some of his videos that goes like "Are you sure about thAt?" To that last sentence that Mega said. xD
-Damn Mega, what a Tsundere
-Hope you enjoy anyways lol

-I hope I didn't make any spelling mistakes lmao

-My mom read the book and she doesn't understand Wattpad. I actually have no words to explain how she was so confused about Wattpad. She even asked me to publish this book (ahem that she doesn't read) irl. Like bruh- lmaooooo

Written: 09/07/2020

"Among Roses" -A ZelkPvP Story- (Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now