Chapter 17

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Zelk's POV

A nudge to my ribs make me jerk awake to see Zak and Darryl's worried faces. How long was I out? I really hope it wasn't long...

"Zelk?" Zak whispered softly-checking to see whether I was awake.
"I'm fine-" I mumbled, "I'll just go take that bath now-"
"I. Am. Fine-okay" I said frustratedly before slowly standing up. I coughed again.

I felt as steady as a leaf in a heavy thunderstorm-as steady as a baby taking it's first steps. Something started pushing thought the skin of my hand-and I know the pain was coming. It went by fast-yet slow, almost suspended. Then impact. I feel my skin move in a way they shouldn't. Without looking, I know there is blood seeping from my skin that seconds ago was smooth. I ignored the pain and carried on walking to the bathroom. My left hand danced uselessly by my side. Petals, and blood came out of my mouth as I entered the bathroom and locked the door.

Zak's POV

He turned the door knob and the heavy, iron-bound door swung open. He then entered the doorway and the door closed-making a loud, creaking noise. I sighed.

"Hey what's wrong Zak?" I heard Darryl said.
"Nothing-" I muttered sadly.
"I know you're not fine Zak-now tell me, what's wrong?"
"I'm just...worried about....Zelk-"
"Don't worry Zak, everything is going to be fine!"
"I hope..."

All of a sudden, I felt an arm wrapping around me and pulling me into a hug. I smiled. Darryl sure has a way of making me smile whenever I'm down. Though, I just realised something.



Mega's POV

"Finally gonna go meet my Zelkkkk!" I said in my head, while staring outside of the window. I took the taxi instead of driving because of how late it was. Then again, I had trouble communicating with the driver because I hated taking in front of people I didn't know-or trusted. In fact, the only person I talk to a lot is Zelk-I barely talked to Zak.

The road that was black in the day time just melted into the darkness of the night. When another car passed by, it's headlights were reflected in the water that lay over the surface. The taxi moved onto the highway, lights on full beam.I watched how the yellowed yet bright light played in the droplets, showing deluge, this flood from the sky, in apparently solitary drops. The tires make their monotonous hiss over the rain-washed highway and the air through the filters was meadow-sweet. The driver fiddles with the radio to fill our ears with the latest popular tunes. I closed my eyes and felt the gentle rise and fall of the road beneath me...

It was late. It was almost 11:50pm. I was tired. I had a long day. But I just couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes- Zelk's face would appear. My eyes burst open within a second. I could feel the heat growing in my cheeks. My own private thoughts made me blush-what happens if I see Zelk in person then? I crossed my arms-trying not to think about him. Ended up giving up after a while.

"Dammit Why is this so hard to do?"

Author's Notes
-I'm back peoPle
-Yes and any Twitter or Insta or Roblox users, be careful of da Blue Whale Challenges!

Written: 06/07/2020

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