Chapter 9

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[Ashton's pov]

It was the day after Luke kissed me and it was all that was on my mind

It was Saturday and I was spending the day with Calum

I walked into his house and went into his basement (games room) to meet "ashhyyyyy" Calum squealed and dragged me onto the couch jumping on my knee

He cuddled into me and giggled " I missed my bad boy bestfriend yanno" he exclaimed

It was me and Calum's thing to be giggly and cuddly around each-other it was our thing it had been since we were little

"Me too buddy" I said with a half-hearted smile "what's up ashy?" Calum asked with a pout

"Luke kissed me and left" I blurted out "omg this is what you've been waiting for but he left and has a girlfriend " Calum said clearly confused

I shrugged wanting to avoid it " I've got something to tell you ash!!" Calum shouted

" what is it cal" I asked laughing at his excitement " I think I have a little crush on mikey..."

I jumped up from the couch and shouted " knew it!! Trust me by the time I'm done the malum ship will be sailing!!"

Calum laughed " the malum ship?" " yup it's your ship name " I said and Calum rolled his eyes

I was really down before I got here but Calum always knows how to cheer me up so I wanted to help him out

We were watching movies when I sneakily pulled my phone out and text Michael

To: Mikey: come over to Cal's and hang out with us? X

From mikey: be there soon mate x

I smiled I'm triumph and waited for Michael

After about ten minutes Michael game into the basement and I paused the movie

" hey mikey glad you could make it" I said

" same here I love spending time with you two" Michael replied and Calum blushed

Calum gave me a questioning look as if to say 'what the hell have you got planned' I just winked at him and turned my attention back to Michael

" so guys want to play truth or dare?" I asked with a smirk and Calum knew from that moment what I had planned

The both nodded in agreement and we sat on the floor

Michael went first " so Ashton truth or dare" " truth I'm a wuss" I said

" do you like luke as in like like" Michael asked I groaned "y-yes" I stuttered and he smiled

It was Calum's go to ask Michael and he asked him some really dumb question that I diddnt pay attention to

"Ok Calum truth or dare " I said with a smirk "dare" Calum said going along with my little plan it was like we could read eachothers minds

" I dare you two to kiss it has to last for 5 seconds" I shouted the both turned red and looked at each other

Calum crawled over to Michael and slammed his lips against michaels Michael immediately started kissing back

5 seconds Was well over and they were still going at it What started at a kiss turned into a full on make put session Michael had pulled Calum onto his lap and they were currently swapping sliver

" umm ok guys time was up ages ago" I said awkwardly " Michael smirked and said " I know " Calum started blushing and I Awwee'd at their cuteness the both turned bright red

" my work here is done I say you go on a date or start seeing each-other and I'll fully support you malum all the way, I also don't mind third wheeling" I said smugly

" wait so this was all your plan?" Michael asked I smiled " yes it was I could tell you too liked eachother but you were both to scared to make a move" I said

" Thank you" Michael replied wrapping his arm around Calum

" I'll leave you too it bye guys" I shouted leaving the house

I was so happy for them both it all even distracted me from luke but know id sorted them two out I needed to sort me and luke out

I sent luke a casual test

To luke : cal and mikey just kissed the malum ship is sailing I thought id let you know don't tell...

From luke: knew it!!

I left it at that and smiled as I made my way back to mine I was thinking everything over and I hated luke and jasmines relationship

I'm so full of jealousy

*********************** short chapter I'm sorry thanks to everyone reading I love you all next chapter will be here soon :-)

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