Chapter 18

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[Jasmines pov ] * dun dun duh*

My plan failed I've always wanted Ashton irwin but I could never have him because he was gay

So I went after his crush luke and the fake dating thing I thought was perfect

You'll be wondering what about Connor, I like him but not as much as Ashton and when he finished with me I realised I needed Ashton

I saw what happened at the party the other day how jealous Luke was when Ashton was talking to that boy

So I've got a new plan

I'm going to through a party and get my extremely hot gay cousin to kiss luke and make sure ashton sees it all

Then I'm going to comfort Ashton and make him fall for me simple but I hope it works

I've never actually told anyone about my crush on Ashton because people would think I'm stupid seems so he's 'gay'

But I live by the saying people change and hopefully that will happen

I like luke he's a good friend but he interfered with Ashton so he might have to get hurt

I got my phone out and texted my older brother who lived out of town

To Big bro <3 : ask mam and dad to spend the weekend at you're I need a party!! Pleaseeeee bro xoxoxox

From big bro <3: fine but you owe me jazz xoxoxox

That was that sorted I then took to inviting everyone

School ppl : party at my house this weekend your all invited from jazz xoxoxox

And now for the last part of my plot

To James : hey cuz I'm having a party at mine this weekend I need you to come and kiss a hot lad for me? Xoxoxox

From James: cute boy? I'm in jazz xoxoxox

My plan was complete now I just needed to get everything sorted

I feel kinda bad but I've liked Ashton for so long I can't let him go I just can't

And luke? He's just found out his sexuality they'll be other boys who knows he might even get with my cousin

Plus it's all thanks to me That there together!

I've dreamt about having Ashton's arms around me plenty of times

But I'm sick of dreaming nows the time to fight to make it all reality

This will seem really evil and twisted but just imagine

Liking a boy since the day you met him changing your looks wearing prettier cloths more makeup just to get his attention

Doing everything just for him but he never notices you

Keeping up hope thinking one day he will notice me just one day

But the day never comes and you find out your not his type your not even the right gender for him?

And then he goes and makes it worse and starts dating the hottest lad in school who also happens to be my friend

And ex boyfriend kind of

Everything has been so dam perfect for them Lately but I'm going to teach them an important life lesson

Not everything can always be perfect but sometimes good things come from the bad

And mine and Ashton's relationship will be the good that comes from the bad

Plus maybe luke and Ashton will just go to being friends if they're in a band together fthey'll have to make piece

But after it's all done Ashton will never trust luke enough to take him back

This is exactly how it's all going to happen

No more ashtonAndLuke just ashton then luke

This plan can't fail!!!


This is short but I wanted to twist the tale don't hate me!! Thoughts on jasmine???

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