Chapter 23

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[Lukes pov]

I grabbed my Keys off the top and headed out to the car

I got in and started it up and headed to Michael's

Once I pulled up outside the house I beeped the horse twice and soon him and Calum appeared and made there way over to my car

" hey luke" they both greeted I smiled and said a quick hi before I sped off to Ashton's

He was on his front porch waiting for us he made his way over to the car and got in

" so who's ready to go shopping" he chirped we all groaned in response and he rolled his eyes

We headed to the mall we were buying new clothes for the performance and the night

We went into some random shop that had just opened and I looked around

There wasn't much there that sparked my interest until I saw a top saying

' destroy yourself see who gives a fuck' it was black with white writing and I automatically fell in love with it

There wasn't much more in the shop so I went with that

I went to the tattoo parlour and got a new lip ring

And as soon as I put it on Ashton pulled me in for a kiss saying he wanted to try it out

We spent most the time at the mall just going in random shops I bought Ashton a new bandana

And while we were in that shop he found a top that he liked it was a captain America shirt and he fell in love with it and bought it straight the way

We had two more shops that we could look in so Michael and Calum needed to hurry up and pick

After a while of arguments and trying on tops Michael decided on a Rolling Stones tank top and Calum got a Grey top with a smiley face on it

We then went into a girls shop and bought four pair of women's black skinny jeans because we wanted them to be really skinny

After that we bought two pizzas and took them back to Michael's house

When we got there we decided to sort all the band stuff out and prepare for our performance

We decided to call it 'banding' which is a made up word but I sounds pretty cool

First we made finishing touches to our outfits

We knew it would be coldish so we decided on wearing flannels but we all got different colours mine was red Ashton's was green Michael's was blue and Calum's was grey

We then cut the knee part out of our skinny jeans and found shoes to go with it

I choose my all black vans Ashton choose black all stars Michael choose black combat boots and Calum choose black and white vans

We actually would look like a real band and the thought was quite exciting

We went over the songs about fifty times before calling it a night

We all ate the pizza we bought earlier while practicing cheesy pick up lines on each other

We the decided on playing video games and Michael asked us all if we wanted to play FIFA

We all agreed apart from Ashton and he told us that he really didn't like it so Michael disowned him

Calum gave Michael a lecture about ' treating people with more respect'

And I was trying my hardest to not laugh because he looked like a sad little child

Sat there pouring while his daddy shouted at him, but that sounds kinda kinky

Dam my dirty mind...

I had to comfort a pouting Ashton who was upset because ' everyone was being meanies'

After Calum finished lecturing Michael he said sorry to Ashton and we decided to play Mario kart instead

We actually ended up having loads of fun and we managed to go on the mode where you can team up [ A.N. Idk if you can do that? ]

so it was team Lashton vs team Malum

Team Lashton won obviously because it's better but then Michael went in a mood

Calum got him out of it by whispering something in his eat which made him smirk

I don't even want to know what he whispered...

Soon it got pretty late so me and Ashton headed off I have him a lift home and walked him to his front door then went back to my house

As soon as I got in I jumped on my bed because I'd been shopping all day and it was hard

I honestly don't know how girls can do it all the time it's exhausting

Realisation started to hit me

I would have to perform in front of a lot of the school



Guys I'm so sorry for not updating this has took a while it's just it was my birthday so I had to go out with both sides of my family and then my friends sorry :(

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